Thursday, April 16, 2009

"I must be losing my mime?"

I must be losing my mime? Several years ago my wife, several friends, and I were in the Baltic state of Estonia.  After many hours of adjusting from the Central Time Zone to whatever time, and in our sleep-deprived state, we would sit up and see how many times we could replace the word mime for mind.  I lost pretty much every time, but not really.

It often generates memories that make me laugh without saying a word at the most inconspicuous times.  Sometimes my eyes water, because the memory is so strong.  What made it worse, was we usually were the only ones in the room that was “silly as a school girl.”  (I am only assuming school girls are silly…no schoolgirls were harmed in any way during the creation of this blog!  Back off my friends a lawyer.  Seriously, if schoolgirls are not silly someone needs to tell me, because I use that a lot.)  Sorry, I digress.  Where was I? Oh yah, mime.  Because of my friends and the love of God I have everlasting memories from which to draw endless strength.

This week’s text for a sermon that I am preparing is John 20:19-31.  In this lectionary text, the risen Savior has visited the disciples behind locked doors, probably a locked door.  Regardless, Jesus met the disciples, and Thomas, where they were. 

When I laugh, and the image of my friends and family appear before me, Christ meets me where I am.  In my mime, that’s an incredible thing. 



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