Day 7 Doxology: Today I've stepped away from the usual, but don't blame me...blame God. I'm working an Emmaus Walk with a new community at Sacred Heart Monastery-a beautiful architecture. This Emmaus Walk is filled with members of the protestant church, and yet, I was made to feel very welcome at this monastery of Benedictine Sisters. Now, everything I'm sharing may seem negative or prejudice, on the contrary. Every inch of my experience says...welcome. This begs the question that I sat and pondered...Would our local best, and not so best, protestant churches provide as warm as the welcome that I received tonight? In Sermon 39, John Wesley said, "Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences." How far have we come? Wesley's scripture for this 1750 sermon was 2 Kings 10:15. What will last longer, Wesley's words or this 100+ year old structure? One thing is for certain...both will take constant maintenance. If left unattended they will both crumble and fall. It looks like these Benedictine Sisters are doing pretty good.
Today |
1903 |
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