Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Three Cheers for Edison!

Day 29 Doxology:  Well, there wasn't a 28th doxology thanks to straight-line winds or something.  We just recently got our power back on and not a moment too soon.  I'm old enough that I remember a time when the power wasn't as dependable...however, my girls have never known of a time without...well, anything.  I could share many doxology moments but this one is special.  This one is a hint of why my children make me laugh even when they don't remember a time when life was simpler...a time when the family seemed stronger.  The picture I'm sharing with you is a note written by J-2 regarding an evening without TV, computer, cellphone, even lights, and her fear of simplicity.  I thank God for my entire family and their individual characteristics. Proverbs 27:10

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