Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jalapeño Life

Day 6 Doxology:  This doxology recant really is a moment of my life that happens over and over.  Before I share...it really is an extension of Pam Gilliland's Lenten Devotion if you're keeping score...Accord to Pam and Psalm 105 our mind is to seek God's face always!  This is convenient at times and inconvinent at other times...other than that, it is advised...

The problem of seeing God is recognizing God in the smallest of things.  Sometimes it means a blurring of God verses Us.

I argue that God can be found in the smallest of every action...tonight, I witnessed a transition...just like the transition God saw in me- a chance to spice things up a bit!

Tonigh,t my family witnesses an act that they have witnessed many times...I cut jalapeños for my hummus.  Like me, there was an old unspiced me...then there was life and flavor!  God is our spice of life and we don't need to "stake our happiness on people and things but on the presence of God in our life!"  Thank you Pam for the reminder...

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