Monday, February 26, 2018

"Yoooou Dirty Raaaat"

Day 11 Doxology: Today presented itself with several doxologies.  However, one stood alone, but probably not for the reason you would think!

Ministries within the church present many characteristics.  Not all of them are neat and clean as we would have the world to think, but most are necessary!  Things have to be done, even if they don't fit our schedule or if they are not the jobs we want to do.  In many ways the person that cleans the toilet becomes your director of first impressions...every job is important and to be done with excellence!

Today we had our first day of Face To Face Encounter at our church. As each speaker spoke on the front lines of ministry raising awareness of what it means to be a disciple, I couldn't help but to smell a distinct odor.  It was clear!  We have a rat!  Which brings me to another point of the ministries of the church!

They sometimes overlap and becomes even more complicated!  Not too long ago there was evidence that a mouse had tried to get into some of the supplies of our Upward Basketball Ministry.  A very competent and astute servant placed poison in a very out-of-the-way place.  You know, the kind that they eat then leave to find water and not return...I think they missed the step where they were supposed to leave.

So after carefully honed senses determined an approximate location, I waited for everyone to leave.  And ministry overlapped another and created an opportunity!  I became ordained as the Senior Rat Removal Minister-we all have our gifts!

My doxology is simple!  The moment I placed the dead rat in the dumpster I said...Praise God! And, that moment leaped ahead of all the other "praise God" moments of the day!

Today's picture is the scene of the crime, or opportunity?  How you perceive the ministries in church depends on you, and your heart! Remember, It's all for Jesus!

Can you remember the quote, "Yoooou dirty raaaat!" I think I said that a time or two today...

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