Today's doxology is a simple phone call. J-1 called to say she had post-college plans...she was accepted into the CYMT program. Which means, she will be working in youth ministry at a church large enough to pay both her salary and educational cost while she obtains a masters in youth ministry.
J-1 is going into ministry! It will be her heaviest burden and most wonderful joy!
A really cool part of this doxology is the unending blessing that God rains down. She was recommended by one of my past youth who was her youth minister, and now a husband, father, and the youth minister at the church I served when he was a youth. So, God impacted me; I had a small impact on him; he influenced my daughter! She will soon make possible the kingdom of God by impact someone God puts in her path (maybe his son?). A beautiful circle of God's grace offered to change the world one youth at a time!
As it turns out J-1 and I are still doing things together!
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