Day 4 Doxology: Well, it appears that I am cutting it close, but it has been a very fulfilling, and long, weekend. We hosted our first retreat of 2021, and it has been a huge success. Sure, the occasional necessary need here and there, but it has been a joy! So much so, they have indicated they want to add another event the end of this year to the Camp calendar. Yea Team!
Something else happened this weekend that is at the heart of our life here at Camp. Thursday evening late a dog walked up Wesley Drive, and we extended Christ-like hospitality. I made several trips from the maintenance shed to the main retreat building and this dog followed my truck from one end of Camp to the other. As it turned out, this dog even followed me home. I fed looked as if it had been a while since he had eaten. We talked and few pats on the head and scratch behind the ears and this dog hasn't left since. He even sleeps out side my window waiting on me to stir around. Today Shannon picked me up for lunch while I was on the skid steer, and when I returned he was laying next to the machine waiting on my return. I wonder, did we adopt him, or did he adopt us. Either way, it all started with our vision of providing Christ-like hospitality and that is fast becomming absolutely Camp Sumatanga! You like apples?P.S. We are looking for a name? We thought about Bert (in memory of Bro Bert Goodwin who was the executive Director years ago)? We thought about Camper, but we didn't;t want to confuse hime when we are talking about the campers this summer. Any suggestions?
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