Day 30 Doxology: I have spent the majority of my day with my face in a book or staring at a computer screen. That makes is hard, or at least limits my chances, to see God at work first hand throughout the day. But, then I got home.
When I fIrst got home I went on my usual jaw gritting walk through a messy house wondering how can we let stuff get so stacked up…I hate clutter! I DISLIKE clutter. I started spouting orders like a General during a smoked engulfed fight in the trenches. "Pick this up!" "Put that here!" Nobody likes that and it's exhausting. More times than not, by the close of the scrimmage, I lose the battle. If you have never felt the feeling…it feels like I lose the battle. Tonight something eased my heart. It was God speaking through the General's orders.
When it came time to settle down for some hot tub time with the General's wife, I checked the chemicals in the hot tub and the revelation began. There is a balance where the water in a hot tub, or pool, is perfect. When something's wrong, I check the balance with what I call the "stick".
This "stick" allows me to measure the amount of bromine, chlorine, hardness, and ph of the water that I enjoy if it's only 103 degrees. When something is off, the water is not balance, and I can tell something is different. Like a father that is always concerned…only concerned if the house is clean very day when he gets home. Can you see where I'm going?
If we go through life and we are too religious then we miss the personal relationship of Jesus. If we are free spirited enough to say love, love, love without the love of discipline then we miss out on the Father. If we study love, and hold to the letter of the law, but fail to put wheels on our faith then we miss out on The Holy Spirit. This is just one example.
We need balance in just about everything in life -diet, exercise, study, work, family, church, joy, pain, sleep, pizza, pork etc., etc. (I think you get the picture?).
Take a picture of your life and tell me if you have a balance of blessings. You may be like me…you may need to omit some things and add other things. Don't you think that Lent is a great time to test the water.
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