Saturday, April 19, 2014


Day 40 Doxology:  Well…there you go.  We are at the end of our Lenten Season.  It's a season that mimicked the the early church, and a way to teach new converts and those that had been separated from the church about the love of God.  Moving forward to the contemporary Church, I think we (The Summit) have come full circle since inception.  I think what we've done (in Jesus' name) has been to share how God has been in, and through, the life of our congregation.  I pray you can back away and see God at work in each Doxology Day Moment?

To close out this season of doxologies, I have to return to God's greatest gift to me (other than Christ)…my girls!  Tonight's doxology moment was like compounded interest (Go Dawn!).  Here is what I mean…our church made arrangements for my family to spend time together in a Chalet at Guntersville State Park.  This meant that we would have to spend time at a meal and in a different sleeping arrangement than usual...that meant communication.

We spent time talking-unheard of today as they age rapidly into young adulthood.  Tonight's meal was as it was suppose to be…laughter and conversation.  Although this was the greatest earthly experience of my Lenten Season…what I am about to share speaks to our theological need.

We (my family) were eating a wonderful meal together.  On our table we had cheeseburger and fries; Blackened Grilled Fish with all sides; Chicken Quesadilla and chips, Buffalo Wings and fried potato wing chips (Amazing!), and an Angus Filet with salad and crawfish soup.  Though our meal is not the moment of praise (Though maybe it should)…in part, it was when my wonderful daughters arrived at the lodge that began the 1st leg of my praise to God evening. We were ushered to our table and at a point when the setting sun was too great they lowered the blinds.  This was received with great relief because the setting sun was too great.  All I heard was ahhhh.

The heart of my doxology moment came moments later.  When the Sun hid just below the horizon, and the blinds were raised.  This meant that someone was eagerly watching God at work, and the moment my girls heard the blinds being raised they stretched to see the Sun…a truly reflective doxology moment.
In the church world we look for those that stretch to see God at work.  The excitement is irreplaceable.  The problem comes when the church cannot replace what they feel is God's greatest productivity - Grace!  What if everyone in the church stood and reached to see the glory of God's work?  What if half would be so willing?

I close out this Lenten season with a picture that almost brings to close all my thoughts, joys, and tears…but, really the sun must set to rise again.  So, we'll see where God is tomorrow as we celebrate God's Son and His connection with the Sunrise.  God is good…the way that I because I see God in each of you! Happy Easter!

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