I replied, "I will, where?"-I didn't want to seem overzealous, it might scare her away?
I was too great a match for her, and she took the bait...lunch was on!
Before long J-2 met me at the church, and we were headed down 431 playing the "Restaurant Subtraction Game" -the game you play when no one can decide where to eat. That's when we combined our taste and ended up at Applebee's for an all appetizer lunch. The entire drive was spent repeating to myself...enjoy this time and do not teach! I'm not certain your mode of operation, but it always seems as if I start the parental instructions and my daughter weighs the free food with the cost of the company...something I didn't want to happen today. So, to the point...
Toward the end of lunch something made her mention the way I carry a handkerchief and how silly it is to wipe you nose on something and stick it back in your pocket for later use -for J-2 it seems like the oddest thing for someone to do.

Guess what happened next? The parental portion of our luncheon. What a goof? However, somethings are worth it. I told her that I carried a handkerchief because my grandfather and my dad carried a handkerchief, and then I said, "Here's the greatest part about it." I asked, "Do you really know why a gentleman carries a handkerchief?" I would like to say that she answered interested, but she did ask why...ok, maybe it was a slight nod and a grunt. I answered, "So they can give it away to a woman that my need it."
Her big brown eyes were melting...parenting never felt so good. But then I had to keep talking. I think her laughing was more like mocking when I told her that I ironed mine...A gentleman's work is never done! I think she was impressed, maybe?
I will say this, I think women crave a society where the men return to gentleman ways...what say you sirs? Do you want to be a young lady's doxology?
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