My day has been full of countless emotions from one extreme to another. My morning began with wasted exasperation wading through the endless verbiage of legal documents...check. Then I sought prompt resolve with a trusted verbiage interpreter...check. A quick stop to see a life-giving smile and an attempt to invoke laughter...check. Oh, I almost forgot the visitation with our oldest worshipper to drop off a small gift...check and check. Next, I was on the road to share and receive some laughter from our latest patient, but before I do I needed to make some calls...that's right, check check, check. I think I was able to make six calls as I drove. Each call ranged in emotion just like my day. After each stop, each task, and each conversation was concluded I bought groceries and headed home. Once home Shannon and I ate dinner while I sent a few emails and took a few calls -like you I'm done with the "check". One call, in particular, brought sad news from a friend. Before you hit backspace, or start shopping ebay, let me share the point I'm trying to make.
My day mirrors our lives, and sadly it likely mirrors your life. In a powerful way you are my family, and I know what you struggle with, because I struggle with the same things. Life's continual trajectory of the pendulum never ceases, and what we are left with are memories of laughter and tears joined with the faces of our friends and family. I did what many of us do...I retreated.

Most of the time "dark" is associated with evil and/ or death, while "light" is paired with good or life. However, tonight's darkness felt Holy-life giving.
The message/answer I felt in the dark was God saying it won't last. You may ask, "What won't last?" I believe the answer to be...nothing of this world. Neither the verbiage, nor the sickness, even the sadness is for life and they are temporary. What is for eternity is God's love and it is available to us all regardless of the amplitude of life's pendulum. Thanks be to God!
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