I think our goal is to be this disciplined the rest of our year. That this discipline of seeing and praising God would carry over into other parts of my life, and your's. That when you see a manhole cover that is not "lined" up...in a weird way you think of God. That you will look for all the ways to "Extend Grace" (This Year's Most Popular Post) more in your life. Everything is connected and everything builds on the other -Good and Bad! What are the rituals that lead you to greatness or move you further from the light?
This year, because of a family friend, my wife organized an end of holy week discipline for our family based on Matthew 26. Remember when Jesus was praying and he went back to check on His disciples and found them asleep? That is when Jesus said, "Couldn't you even keep watch for me for one hour?"
Each grandchild was given and hour throughout the night, and when their hour had ended they were responsible for calling the next person on the list...your time in prayer affected you, and someone else! The next person on the list depended on you! That's two life lessons rolled up in one!
I think we gain by spending designated time with God each day (sure I would say that, I'm a pastor), but it's true! Back to my points...we would benefit greatly by spending designated time with God each day AND helping others. What a novel idea?
This might be our first year to exercise this lenten discipline, but what if as our family grows so does the number of participants? What if we could get to the 24 hours before Easter? What if when our children become grown, and we've passed on, they continue this act of obedience with their children, then their children do the same for theirs? It's mind boggling!
Here's what I know...It's my day's doxology even if my day has just begun! Yesterday was Good Friday...Christ is still in the tomb...but, because of my (our) first hour today, I eagerly look for tomorrow's sunrise! It's going to be a great year!
Since you've struggled through this year's Lent with me let me leave you with this blessings:
[May] the Lord Bless you and keep you.
[May] the Lord make His face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you;
[May] the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
and give you [His] peace.
(Numbers 6:24-26)
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit....Amen!
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