I have witnessed many "Praise To God" moments throughout my day, but my thoughts always return to my morning workout. This past weekend, The Gym where I train for the 3,010 Olympics hosted a race...Fuzzy something-or-other! Regardless...the banner from the race was still hanging today when I went in for my 4 hour run and 200 sets of bench press.

You see...I already believe we treat life badly! We don't start out this way, but at some point we get lazy with life. We cry when we could laugh. We complain when we should lift other's up. We delay when we certainly should act! We hate instead of love! The book of James tells us that we don't even know about tomorrow..." which prompted an old hymn:
"I don't know who holds tomorrow;
I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from it's sunshine;
For it's skies my turn to grey.
I can remember some of my youth helped me peach a message in church by singing this old hymn, and you know what...it seemed like yesterday! It had to have been almost 10 years ago! To me it's clear that we don't know what tomorrow may bring, but so many of us live like we have a bazillion tomorrows. We live like we know the starting-line and the finish-line to life.
In January 2010, I was appointed to my current appointment, and now this June, I will go serve another church in a county far, far away. January '10 seems like yesterday! Within the last 7 years, my family has grown leaps and bounds, and I cannot have ever imagined "not" being in ministry with so many that have now become extensions of my family! (Feels like a double-negative?) I give God thanks and praise for tomorrow, that I will heal from my leaving and grow with my tomorrows! Because, I may know where I started, but the finish is yet to be determined. My promise is simple...I'm going to live like it is tomorrow! Praise be to God!
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