Monday, March 10, 2014

Can Your Contrail Tell?

To my dismay, I failed to post my Day 4 Doxology.  Four days into my Lenten Season and I’ve already missed a daily discipline.  Maybe that’s what makes my period of Lent real and authentic…an acknowledgement that I might, or even probably, will fail at some point.  In my failure, I seek grace. So, I do what I know to do…acknowledge and press on with all eyes on Easter.

Day 5 Doxology: I hate to choose the usual sunrise or sunset “praise to God” moment. However, this image has attributes that I couldn’t pass up.  This was taken early in the morning on Hwy 231, a road I usually abhor.  Whatever my feelings for this road in which I have spent hours navigating it’s hills and curves, today God was waiting with a message.  All throughout scripture either God or Jesus is characterized as light.  As I reached the summit (a nice play on words) of the mountain I could see this image of the sky perfectly, and I immediately thought of Psalm 43:3.  If you will look closely, the cross of two contrails (the condensation trail of an airplane) are hidden behind the brightness of the sun (light).  When I saw this, I began to question whether the planes were flying toward the light or away from the light? Ok, I realize this post is a bit longer than usual, but I have to ask one more question…can a passer-by, just a simple observer, tell whether our trail leads us toward or away from the light that warms a broken world? 

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