Thursday, March 27, 2014

Over or Under -Communication

Day 19 Doxology: I'm a bit late on yesterday's God's more like a revelation.  And, since this is my blog I believe I'm afforded a few luxuries.

Last night we ate a late supper at Bayou Bills, a seafood favorite.  We were seated by the hostess at a round table -equal chairs for each person.  For some reason I was surprised at how nice it was to see everyone and the freedom to have a community conversation...with one exception...the teenage cell phone (dah, dah, dah!)!

Parent immediatly involved the "no cell phone use" and after the usual addiction denial the conversation was back on track.

After what seemed like minutes to me and hour to J-2 she got up and went to the restroom.  After a lengthy stay she finally returned and when
I saw her I realized the reason for her extended absence...busted!
So, here is my revelation.  Today, it's has become increasingly difficult to have the private time aside to "be still" with God.  What if we used the same enthusiastic persuit with God that today's teenagers use with their cell phone usage.

At some point today enthusiastically demand yourself to "be still" and have a conversation with God.

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