Day 7 Doxology: How to begin? I don’t think I’ve ever fully understood John 13:20 to the depths I have today. I feel enormous joy; I’m smiling from ear to ear, and my eyes become misty at the thoughts of today’s doxology moment.
When I went into ministry, my fear was faith, for my
daughters, would be somewhat altered or challenged based on the church’s
actions or inactions where I would serve. I make no
excuses…a parent’s desire for their children is to be happy. We devote time, energy, and money to
that cause…often to the point of overindulgence. If you have never felt your children unhappy because of
something you’ve done, or decisions you’ve made…then I’m not sure you fully get
my point. Conversely, when they
experience great joy…you are exceedingly happy! In fact, being kind to my daughters (My family) is the
greatest gift you could ever give me as a pastor. Which reminds me of John 13:20, accepting the Son is accepting the Father. When you love God's children; you love God.

Not to compare myself to God in any way…today, someone hand-made and sent my daughter a Doctor Who
scarf. Not just any Doctor Who,
but the 4
th more classical version of Doctor Who. I feel that I need to explain…Doctor Who is
a British science-fiction television series that has lasted decades
(1963-present). The Doctor, the main character, is a regenerating humanoid that
travels through time saving the world from ourselves, and others. I personally like David Tennant as
Doctor Who, while J-1 (pictured left) has an infinity for the older more
classic Doctors. Regardless of your favorite, to the Geek Squad, one would have
to admit it’s pretty amazing writing that have united father/ sons and father/
daughters for many years. So
today, because of the kindness of another, the bond between father and daughter
is uplifted, mended, solidified. This amazing person did this out of the blue;
on his or her own; out of love. It
is the greatest sermon I’ve ever heard on random acts of kindness that exhibit
unconditional love. This sweet
person is a “Means of Grace” to me, and my family and will be remember as one of the sacred moments of mine and my daughter's life. Saint Francis of Assisi said, “
Preach the gospel at all times – if necessary, use words.” We never forget how people treat us, do
we? Some actions really do speak
louder than words…don’t you agree (spoken in my best British accent)?
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