Day 26 Doxology: What is it about barriers? We erect them everywhere in our life. Where are your's? I do know that, thankfully, they are not forever. Either they come crashing down because they are poorly placed, or they are eliminated with the help of others. Hopefully, as we seek guidance, maturity, strength, (or you fill in the blank) we are relieved from the barriers that we think protect us.
At the limits of my very back yard, Shannon and I decided barriers would be appropriate. I dug the holes, I coaxed others to dig holes, I fertilized, and I watered for the new Leyland Cyprus that we wanted to use to obstruct the view from our neighbors. Careful attention was made in their placement and need. Barriers they would be!
As it turns out, it wouldn't last. What once obscured the view of the neighbors is now inevitably going to be removed because of...its death. Maybe it wasn't meant to be? Oh sure, we rationalized its need. I think we mentioned that it would give them (our neighbors) more privacy for their pool. He works in his backyard on his hunting stuff so it would offer him more freedom to work later at night since he is retired. It just seemed appropriate. In truth, they are very good neighbors. We talk, but not enough. Maybe the tree's passing is needed? Maybe I'll replace it with a gate?
What if instead of more barriers in our life we left room for more gates. Gates are used for entering and exiting, then neither neighbor would be confined. For the barriers that we erect in our own life...we too would never be confined. We could heal, we could grow, we could move beyond the pains that caused us to add the barrier for protection in the first place. That's right...the main reason we implement barriers is for protection? I think that the greatest question would be...if we created a barrier for temporary protect; wouldn't a gate be better? We might want to not stay in that world that we want so much to evade.
I think it was Robert Frost that said, "Good fences make good neighbors" However, how can we become good neighbors if we are divided by a fence? I think God thinks differently. I think God believes the world could be better, and more could be accomplished with more gates. Hmmm, food for thought...I think Shannon will want one more Leyland Cyprus.
The creation of this blog is sketchy at best. I remain inspired after reading several blogs of many talented friends that have the gift of words. I stammer at the chance, cautiously moving forward to develop something interesting out of my life. I long for the art to move others through words, and this is that poor attempt. So, obtain anything you can, and throw away the rest. More importantly, participate. Perhaps, you can help me work out the differences between my dreams and God's reality.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Parenting For The Parents
Day 25 Doxology: I hope you don't think that I am giving you anything less than a Doxology for today, because if you are patient, and if you read it until the too will be just as inspired I was when my friend posted it. It is a huge reminder to all...please read:
I hope you stayed to the end? If you did, then like me, you were relieved that it felt like humanity has a chance. That we might remember that personal relationships are what matters most, and that we are emitted nothing except to treat others with respect...only then can honor be felt. Thanks to my friend for reminding me that parenting means that we are to be involved, and that sometimes it is the parents that need parenting the most!
I found this saved in my documents as I was looking for something else today. I found it online and printed it out for Davis when he first got a phone. We don't always stick to each of these, but should (myself included) ... I teared up on the last one. This is good ... re-implementing.
1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren't I the greatest?
2. I will always know the password.
3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads "Mom" or "Dad". Not ever.
4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 9:00 pm every school night & every weekend night at 10:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone's land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.
5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It's a life skill.
6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs.
7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.
8-9. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.
10. No porn.
11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.
12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else's private parts. Don't laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear -- including a bad reputation.
13. Don't take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.
14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO -- fear of missing out.
15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.
16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.
17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.
18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & and; I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.
2. I will always know the password.
3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads "Mom" or "Dad". Not ever.
4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 9:00 pm every school night & every weekend night at 10:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone's land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected.
5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It's a life skill.
6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs.
7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire.
8-9. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person.
10. No porn.
11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that.
12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else's private parts. Don't laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear -- including a bad reputation.
13. Don't take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity.
14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO -- fear of missing out.
15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons.
16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then.
17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling.
18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & and; I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.
I hope you stayed to the end? If you did, then like me, you were relieved that it felt like humanity has a chance. That we might remember that personal relationships are what matters most, and that we are emitted nothing except to treat others with respect...only then can honor be felt. Thanks to my friend for reminding me that parenting means that we are to be involved, and that sometimes it is the parents that need parenting the most!
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Thankful, Peaceful, Driven, and Confident
Day 24 Doxology: It's been a tough couple of Lenten days. I was talking with a friend this morning and she asked, "Have you quit doing your blog?" I laughed (or more like grunted), because I've wanted to never miss a day sharing with each of you, but life in the wilderness gets tough. I'm back today for God only long! Thanks for allowing rich honesty on a personal level.
Speaking of's doxology is probably more personal than I'm comfortable sharing. Today I am taking you on my closet tour.
My closet, like most, is a personal space. I have the obvious...clothes, but scattered throughout are items that keep me on track. Today's doxology is my boldness to share a few personal items that remind me to be thankful, peaceful, driven, and confident. Here we go!
This first item that I'm willing to share is a picture of my oldest. This picture is a special picture of her cuteness that will likely get me a disturbing call tonight, but it's not as much her as it is a time in my life that I deem the "perfect age" or "my favorite age!" Jackie was the oldest and the mother hen of her younger sisters...but in truth, each daughter was so different that their personalities complimented each other, and also, their parents who were just trying to be parents. They always made us look like we knew what we were doing. We were young and had so much energy then. All I can remember are the good times! Her picture reminds me to be Thankful!
The second picture tucked away behind J-1's cute face is an old check given to me for my birthday from my amazing mother-n-law. When I see it I get that lump that reminds me how much they have always given to us to make sure Shannon and I could succeed. When I went to seminary she and Bill gave me a car to make the trip to Atlanta...and back! When we brought home our newly born daughters she would stay weeks at a time cooking and cleaning. Both she and Bill allowed Shannon and I to learn on the job. Every day I see this un-cashed check from a year ago, and I am reminded of her love and support...and in turn, I remember to be Confident because I always know that I am loved!
The third item that I am willing to show is tucked away in the top right corner of my mirror. Years ago, we had aggravated one of our kids, and they couldn't wait for the moment to pay us back. A rough day at the beach is exhausting...sitting there watching people, eating too much, enjoying the best friends ever, soaking up the sun and surf. So, as soon as our eyes were shut the camera came out. Yep, we are some real party animals! Welcome to middle-age. I make sure I look at this picture ever day. Mainly, because it makes me smile. But also, it reminds me the importance of being still and resting. Taking time to fill my cup is the only way I can pour into others. It is in the greatest of these moments that I can have peace! This picture reminds me to be Peaceful!
My final picture to share is a picture that a growing young man drew for me one Christmas 2 years ago. The weight of this picture reminds me that I have been this young man's pastor for over half his life. We have a unique relationship -I buy gum, and he goes into my office and steals it. This one Christmas, I had been working an Emmaus Walk and the binder from the "Walk" was on a shelf in my office. The edge of the binder had a label that had the saying that is on the cross that pilgrims receive while on their Emmaus Walk -Christ Is Counting On You! This 9 or 10 year boy took the time to draw and color this picture that he left for me on my desk. Every morning I glance at his offering, and it gives me energy for my day. It is a perfect symbol of praise to God and reminds us all that our little brothers and sisters are watching. They are like sponges soaking up everything they see and hear. His drawing prompts me to be more Driven in all the areas of my life!
Thankful, Peaceful, Driven, and Confident...shouldn't we all start our day that way?
Speaking of's doxology is probably more personal than I'm comfortable sharing. Today I am taking you on my closet tour.
My closet, like most, is a personal space. I have the obvious...clothes, but scattered throughout are items that keep me on track. Today's doxology is my boldness to share a few personal items that remind me to be thankful, peaceful, driven, and confident. Here we go!
This first item that I'm willing to share is a picture of my oldest. This picture is a special picture of her cuteness that will likely get me a disturbing call tonight, but it's not as much her as it is a time in my life that I deem the "perfect age" or "my favorite age!" Jackie was the oldest and the mother hen of her younger sisters...but in truth, each daughter was so different that their personalities complimented each other, and also, their parents who were just trying to be parents. They always made us look like we knew what we were doing. We were young and had so much energy then. All I can remember are the good times! Her picture reminds me to be Thankful!
The second picture tucked away behind J-1's cute face is an old check given to me for my birthday from my amazing mother-n-law. When I see it I get that lump that reminds me how much they have always given to us to make sure Shannon and I could succeed. When I went to seminary she and Bill gave me a car to make the trip to Atlanta...and back! When we brought home our newly born daughters she would stay weeks at a time cooking and cleaning. Both she and Bill allowed Shannon and I to learn on the job. Every day I see this un-cashed check from a year ago, and I am reminded of her love and support...and in turn, I remember to be Confident because I always know that I am loved!

Thankful, Peaceful, Driven, and Confident...shouldn't we all start our day that way?
Friday, March 24, 2017
BEST Among Us!
Day 21 Doxology: Sometimes the hardest things we do as pastors is visit with people that are in transition from this world to the next. Today, I had one of those visits. Afterwards, I sat in my truck and prayed for our time. I prayed that it might have been a blessing...for everyone! I also found myself thinking of a class I had in seminary that focused on pastoral care and ministry with the dying. In particular a book entitled, "On Death and Dying," by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.
We have a very good...NO, great ministry in our community called Shepherd's Cove, Hospice. I have visited this place many times, and every time I visit I am reminded that they are some of the most thoughtful and important ministers I know. Like Dr. Kubler-Ross, they roll their sleeves up and tackle the most difficult task among us...they minister to those that dying. Although, they admit their ministry is not about the dying as much as it is about the living! The depths of their love is unfathomable while they do not ignore the social and emotional experience of those dying or their loved ones. They remind us all that we can still have dignity even in death. They are some of the BEST among us!
"On Death and Dying" dealt primarily with What The Dying Have To Teach, Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Families. Dr. Kubler-Ross' book, was born out of her life experiences, and reveals the human side to dealing with death. As I sat, prayed, and recapped parts of the book that were committed to memory, I thought about how much I praise God that there are some that have committed so much of their life to make the remaining days of other's so comfortable and peaceful.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Camper Life
Day 19 Doxology: Today's Doxology is long overdue! This evening I drove the 2 hours north to take Shannon to dinner then back to the camper for some "camper life!"
As I type, Shannon is huddled over the heater waiting for me to finish. It's amazing how blessed I am that she would get over the initial excitement of camper life to live an extended time away from home with her new job. What a life partner.
Today's picture is sitting outside in the chilly evening watching the sunset together -I think that is what we dreamed of while we were dating. What we didn't plan on was the great "camper life!"
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Wonder Dog
Day 18 Doxology: It's been hard to hear God speak lately. I am embarrassed to share that the world has been louder than my attention has been for God's voice. So allow me a moment of unconsciousness, and metaphorically climb back up on that doxology horse.
Shannon and I have some amazing friends...our closest have a dog named Fudge. Fudge is a Chocolate Lab around 11 years old (That's 77 in human years). Fudge is remarkable. Over the years Fudge has become blind, he has loss all kinds of weight, has a nervous skin issue that at times causes him to lose patches of hair. His appetite is incredible, but even still, his weight slowly has continued to decreased over the years. For me Fudge has become a mascot for life.
I wished you could see him get around on deck or in the garage. Over the years, I watched him bump his head more times than I care to imagine. His resiliency is a model for all who want to guide him around the chairs, tables and over the steps. He is a wonder dog!
I think about Fudge's owners (If you are comfortable calling them that?), and I think about their love for their friend. I haven't even begin to mention all the Christmases, New Year's or Easter's they've shared together. They have walked through the difficult task of life as one family. Think about this...when the older son went away to college for the first time, Fudge was there. When the daughter drove out of the driveway for the first time, Fudge was there. When the family gathered for Easter pictures as most families do...Fudge was there. Dog and owner have journeyed together. Which makes me think about God's love for us.
Like me, Fudge is less than perfect, yet my friends do not discard him. In our imperfection God doesn't discard us. We may become blind, we may lose our hair, we may begin to bump into chairs, but God still sees the perfection in us all. I am so thankful that God overlooks the frailties, or when we are less than perfect just like Fudge, the original Wonder Dog!
Shannon and I have some amazing friends...our closest have a dog named Fudge. Fudge is a Chocolate Lab around 11 years old (That's 77 in human years). Fudge is remarkable. Over the years Fudge has become blind, he has loss all kinds of weight, has a nervous skin issue that at times causes him to lose patches of hair. His appetite is incredible, but even still, his weight slowly has continued to decreased over the years. For me Fudge has become a mascot for life.
I wished you could see him get around on deck or in the garage. Over the years, I watched him bump his head more times than I care to imagine. His resiliency is a model for all who want to guide him around the chairs, tables and over the steps. He is a wonder dog!
I think about Fudge's owners (If you are comfortable calling them that?), and I think about their love for their friend. I haven't even begin to mention all the Christmases, New Year's or Easter's they've shared together. They have walked through the difficult task of life as one family. Think about this...when the older son went away to college for the first time, Fudge was there. When the daughter drove out of the driveway for the first time, Fudge was there. When the family gathered for Easter pictures as most families do...Fudge was there. Dog and owner have journeyed together. Which makes me think about God's love for us.

Friday, March 17, 2017
The NEW Greatest Generation
Day 15 Doxology: There must be a "family theme" for my Praise to God moments for this week. I had the blessing and honor to officiate a wedding this evening for a very special couple. I won't share their name, because I didn't ask their permission. Needless to say, I think the world of them both.
Officiating a wedding is one of the blessings for a minister. We are often called to the bedside after a loss, or to the emergency room after a tragedy, but a wedding is one of those instances that breathes life. I can't tell you the number of weddings that I have officiated -Shannon has them all listed in a book somewhere. However, they all hold a very special place in my heart. Maybe we will start calling that book...the book of life?
It qualifies as the book of life because I believe weddings are life-giving. For me it was a testimony to a promise that Shannon would love me to the end...I've taken advantage of that pledge. Each wedding, although different, was similar - two people entering into a marriage covenant with God. The typical wedding goes like this: The couple voices their intentions, symbols of that covenant are shared, promises are made, then blessing from God is received, and an announcement ensues. It really is simple! What appears difficult nowadays is keeping that covenant.
I think back to my grandparents, and they said they never had time to argue...they said, they were trying too hard to survive. If you think about it..they went through The Depression, 2 World Wars, The Korean War, Vietnam, a house fire, three kids, 2 open-heart surgeries, and Alzheimer's. They were a blessing of hope for all generations that want to talk about a marriage covenant.
One day my daughters will want to discuss the covenant of marriage. It kinda freaks me out a bit! However, I think I will tell them the simple rules that have worked for their mom and dad...
1. Develop your priorities: A. God B. Spouse C. Children (If these are in the right order, everything else works itself out!)
2. Never let the sun set on an argument!
3. Always have Adult alone-time: For Shannon and I it was the hot tub where we could have adult conversation.
4. Give part of your earnings away.
5. Never Keep Score!
6. Leave your mother and father and cling to your spouse.
7. Try, with all your might, to out-love each'll both be winner!
8. Over communicate!
9. Put down your technology when your spouse walks into the room.
10. Best to have one checking account!
Simple rules that can easily get away from us...if we let them. It is worth our best effort. I can't think where I would be without the marriage covenant and a wife that believes strongly in its relevance. What if the husbands and wives took back the families? So, today's doxology is the potential that all new married couples offer the this one. I think we could be the NEW greatest generation.
Officiating a wedding is one of the blessings for a minister. We are often called to the bedside after a loss, or to the emergency room after a tragedy, but a wedding is one of those instances that breathes life. I can't tell you the number of weddings that I have officiated -Shannon has them all listed in a book somewhere. However, they all hold a very special place in my heart. Maybe we will start calling that book...the book of life?
It qualifies as the book of life because I believe weddings are life-giving. For me it was a testimony to a promise that Shannon would love me to the end...I've taken advantage of that pledge. Each wedding, although different, was similar - two people entering into a marriage covenant with God. The typical wedding goes like this: The couple voices their intentions, symbols of that covenant are shared, promises are made, then blessing from God is received, and an announcement ensues. It really is simple! What appears difficult nowadays is keeping that covenant.
I think back to my grandparents, and they said they never had time to argue...they said, they were trying too hard to survive. If you think about it..they went through The Depression, 2 World Wars, The Korean War, Vietnam, a house fire, three kids, 2 open-heart surgeries, and Alzheimer's. They were a blessing of hope for all generations that want to talk about a marriage covenant.
One day my daughters will want to discuss the covenant of marriage. It kinda freaks me out a bit! However, I think I will tell them the simple rules that have worked for their mom and dad...
1. Develop your priorities: A. God B. Spouse C. Children (If these are in the right order, everything else works itself out!)
2. Never let the sun set on an argument!
3. Always have Adult alone-time: For Shannon and I it was the hot tub where we could have adult conversation.
4. Give part of your earnings away.
5. Never Keep Score!
6. Leave your mother and father and cling to your spouse.
7. Try, with all your might, to out-love each'll both be winner!
8. Over communicate!
9. Put down your technology when your spouse walks into the room.
10. Best to have one checking account!

Thursday, March 16, 2017
Help From Our Father
Day 14 Doxology: I had an amazing father. He was really amazing in more ways than I can remember. What I can remember is that I miss him daily. He went to sleep one night in July of 2007 and unexpectedly never woke up. But, before you stop reading, I promise today's doxology will hopefully flesh itself out and will be less about him and probably more about me -you're still probably wanting to bail on today's doxology?
My dad taught me so much. He taught me to drink coffee black whether it was 10 degrees or 110 degrees -"It cools down the body," he would say. He taught me that you should never make decision about taking a sick-day until you've gotten out of bed and taken your shower -and you get a shower and shave every day. He taught me that if you didn't have time to exercise you just woke up earlier -4:15am every morning for him. He amazed me how he would stay dressed all day until bed-time, and wore a t-shirt under every shirt that he kept tucked in. I thought it odd that it was ok to watch news all day...but only if all your work was done...because you needed to know what the weather was for the next day. He taught me to never write, "If I'm not here this year, remember that I love you!" on the boxes of Christmas decorations you store for the following year -My mom still won't decorate for Christmas. He taught me to be respectful...his words were, "I didn't bring a son into this world to be a burden on anyone!" He taught me that it was honorable to work for the same company for 40 years, and to be married to the same women for the same length of time. He also taught me to deal with pain...I can remember him taking me to the funeral of my younger brother while my mom was still in the hospital -Rodney Eugene Jones only lived 5 days after birth.
So, my dad also taught me to work with my hands. He use to say, "Jack of all trades, master of none!" I'm pretty sure that he stole that quote. While trying to teach me, we would work together. We built garages, roofed houses, cut trees, built fences, and we worked on our cars. I hated working on cars! One day I remember telling him, "When I get old, I'm going to pay someone to work on my cars." At which time deddy pointed a wrench an inch from my nose and said in a voice I'm pretty sure I heard on The Exorcist, "I hope to %$#@ you can!" You ever wished you could have a do over?
Finally, my doxology....So you might can tell, I've thought a lot about my dad today. For the 2nd time this year, I've had water problems. I hate water problems like I hate working on cars! The line that feeds my house had to be replaced in January. However, today it was leaking again, and I had to redo the work that I had paid someone else to do. The reason "I could" is because, my dad taught me. In fact, he would have fixed it the first time instead of paying someone else. I can remember patching and patching the same washing machine over and over. We had a concrete picnic table beside the in-ground swimming pool that HE BUILT that he would never throw away because it was where we worked on the (you guessed it) washing machine. I am so thankful that my dad invested in my future by painfully working with me on the little things in life. But...I have a not-so-doxology that won't leave my thoughts.
One thing that I feel like I didn't get from my dad...was his amazing patience. I look back at the times in my life that I needed my lip puffed...he knew just what to do and with the right timing. One time I had done something wrong (Not sure what), but deddy wrote on a piece of paper, "I Owe Tony One!" in huge letters and slid it behind the phone that hung on the kitchen wall. He never delivered, but his action was payment enough.
Lately, I feel like although I might be able to fix a water line, build a cabinet, cut up a tree, build a deck, or wire in some receptacles; where I fail is exercising the kind of patience like he had. About a month before my dad passed away he and I were talking. I remember feeling so convicted about the selfishness I exhibited while growing up, so I asked him if he could ever forgive me. He said, He already had...In fact, he said that he was proud of me. I want to be the whole man that my dad worked so hard to shape. I don't think we are released to be that man or woman unless we learn to forgive. I guess I have to admit...we all need a little help from our Father.
My dad taught me so much. He taught me to drink coffee black whether it was 10 degrees or 110 degrees -"It cools down the body," he would say. He taught me that you should never make decision about taking a sick-day until you've gotten out of bed and taken your shower -and you get a shower and shave every day. He taught me that if you didn't have time to exercise you just woke up earlier -4:15am every morning for him. He amazed me how he would stay dressed all day until bed-time, and wore a t-shirt under every shirt that he kept tucked in. I thought it odd that it was ok to watch news all day...but only if all your work was done...because you needed to know what the weather was for the next day. He taught me to never write, "If I'm not here this year, remember that I love you!" on the boxes of Christmas decorations you store for the following year -My mom still won't decorate for Christmas. He taught me to be respectful...his words were, "I didn't bring a son into this world to be a burden on anyone!" He taught me that it was honorable to work for the same company for 40 years, and to be married to the same women for the same length of time. He also taught me to deal with pain...I can remember him taking me to the funeral of my younger brother while my mom was still in the hospital -Rodney Eugene Jones only lived 5 days after birth.
So, my dad also taught me to work with my hands. He use to say, "Jack of all trades, master of none!" I'm pretty sure that he stole that quote. While trying to teach me, we would work together. We built garages, roofed houses, cut trees, built fences, and we worked on our cars. I hated working on cars! One day I remember telling him, "When I get old, I'm going to pay someone to work on my cars." At which time deddy pointed a wrench an inch from my nose and said in a voice I'm pretty sure I heard on The Exorcist, "I hope to %$#@ you can!" You ever wished you could have a do over?

One thing that I feel like I didn't get from my dad...was his amazing patience. I look back at the times in my life that I needed my lip puffed...he knew just what to do and with the right timing. One time I had done something wrong (Not sure what), but deddy wrote on a piece of paper, "I Owe Tony One!" in huge letters and slid it behind the phone that hung on the kitchen wall. He never delivered, but his action was payment enough.
Lately, I feel like although I might be able to fix a water line, build a cabinet, cut up a tree, build a deck, or wire in some receptacles; where I fail is exercising the kind of patience like he had. About a month before my dad passed away he and I were talking. I remember feeling so convicted about the selfishness I exhibited while growing up, so I asked him if he could ever forgive me. He said, He already had...In fact, he said that he was proud of me. I want to be the whole man that my dad worked so hard to shape. I don't think we are released to be that man or woman unless we learn to forgive. I guess I have to admit...we all need a little help from our Father.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Day 13 Doxology: Today's doxology may seem a bit odd, and at first a little contradictory. Our church's daycare director is leaving after 6 years of emptying herself into the families of our daycare. My "Praise To God" (Doxology) moment is not watching her pack the remainder of her items (including several Diet Mountain Dews) and drive away, but that God blessed me and this church with a mom, friend, and grandmother that truly cares about the children that God saw fit to loan her during working hours. My doxology is because she is my friend.
John 15:15 reminds us, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." This person has done just that. She has worked late, come in early, spent hours on the phone, in prayer, in conversation, in maintenance, and with tears to help the families that came through our doors. At the heart of her mantra...our daycare is a ministry.

She had a crazy funny side to the time I locked my keys up in my office. She took a vent off and climbed through the smallest hole ever to use a stapler to unlock my door.
So, here is my real doxology as she walked to her car with cases of gifted Diet Mountain Dew, she is not gone forever. She led our daycare for a season of our life, created a foundation of hope and love so that we can trust in our next new season with new ideas and new excitement for the children in our care. My friend, our daycare director, our mom, wife, grandmother whatever relationship she is to you...gave us a great start in life and now it is up to us! I like our odds, but the best way we can honor her work is to build on what she started. Thank you buddy for everything and all of the relationships!
John 15:15 reminds us, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." This person has done just that. She has worked late, come in early, spent hours on the phone, in prayer, in conversation, in maintenance, and with tears to help the families that came through our doors. At the heart of her mantra...our daycare is a ministry.
So, here is my real doxology as she walked to her car with cases of gifted Diet Mountain Dew, she is not gone forever. She led our daycare for a season of our life, created a foundation of hope and love so that we can trust in our next new season with new ideas and new excitement for the children in our care. My friend, our daycare director, our mom, wife, grandmother whatever relationship she is to you...gave us a great start in life and now it is up to us! I like our odds, but the best way we can honor her work is to build on what she started. Thank you buddy for everything and all of the relationships!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Living In Two Worlds
Day 12 Doxology: Living in two worlds is really taxing. I've always known it, but this morning the words finally came to me. I started stirring earlier than usual and went to the hot tub. In the piece and cold of the morning I noticed it started to sprinkle. There was a slight breeze, so the tiny drops of rain were blowing in on me although our hot tub is under cover.
I sat chest-deep in the 105 degree bubbling water while the 30 plus degree morning air offered a huge contrast for my shoulders and head. The tiny drops of rainy sort of stung my skin as steam rises from the water surface. It was at this moment that I thought about the difficultly of many people living in contrasting worlds.
Even in the church, faithful-hopefuls experiment with partial love. There seems to be a part of their life that welcomes the contrast, but usually out of fear. The world continues to sting them a little at a time while areas of their life feel the warmth that could optionally consume them. For them there could be a life without the tip of their nose cold to touch, our their shoulders feeling chapped form the cool air, but part of them acknowledges that they know the depth of that pain. It is the unknowing that their afraid of.
My advice is go all the way under; wet your head; warm your nose and shoulders. Life is meant to be live and lived abundantly. Start the process of losing the numbness that is brought on by living in two worlds.

Even in the church, faithful-hopefuls experiment with partial love. There seems to be a part of their life that welcomes the contrast, but usually out of fear. The world continues to sting them a little at a time while areas of their life feel the warmth that could optionally consume them. For them there could be a life without the tip of their nose cold to touch, our their shoulders feeling chapped form the cool air, but part of them acknowledges that they know the depth of that pain. It is the unknowing that their afraid of.
My advice is go all the way under; wet your head; warm your nose and shoulders. Life is meant to be live and lived abundantly. Start the process of losing the numbness that is brought on by living in two worlds.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Day 11 Doxology: Many of you will think today's doxology is a little cheesy. I've spent my whole day looking for a potential doxology moment to share. As a result, I saw many things that I could lay on the altar to point to God, but none really spoke to me like past doxology moments have. It was until the day was over, and I gave up trying that I was healed from my blindness.
This is spring break for my wife, and since she has been working away from home...having her home for a week-long spring break really came with a huge blessing. My day's "praise to God" is just being with the woman of my dreams.
This weekend the text for my sermon was John 9. It was the story of Jesus healing the blind man. So the blind man could see, and the Pharisees (although with sight) was blind Spiritually. There was a verse at the end of that chapter where Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind." Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, "What? Are we blind too?" Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." I think today I was guilty of a little Spiritual blindness.
I wonder if sometimes we try too hard. We have all the answers figured out before we've heard the questions. In a way, we become blind to the potential of God's miracles that take place before our eyes. For me sight came only until I quit looking. Then what I saw that was worthy of praise was my wife and all our time together. What better way to honor God than to find ways to honor the marriage covenant that I hold with my wife. It's not cheesy, it's just love!
This is spring break for my wife, and since she has been working away from home...having her home for a week-long spring break really came with a huge blessing. My day's "praise to God" is just being with the woman of my dreams.
This weekend the text for my sermon was John 9. It was the story of Jesus healing the blind man. So the blind man could see, and the Pharisees (although with sight) was blind Spiritually. There was a verse at the end of that chapter where Jesus said, "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind." Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, "What? Are we blind too?" Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." I think today I was guilty of a little Spiritual blindness.
I wonder if sometimes we try too hard. We have all the answers figured out before we've heard the questions. In a way, we become blind to the potential of God's miracles that take place before our eyes. For me sight came only until I quit looking. Then what I saw that was worthy of praise was my wife and all our time together. What better way to honor God than to find ways to honor the marriage covenant that I hold with my wife. It's not cheesy, it's just love!
Friday, March 10, 2017
Without The Son
Day 9 Doxology: Like most Americans I enjoy Fridays. I am a pastor, so really my Fridays are my Saturdays. After the gym, I love coming home to coffee on our back deck for some wordless time alone on Friday mornings. Occasionally, I'll turn on the TV to beat myself up by listening to what's going on in the world, but mostly I sit quietly.
Over the years the gifts that we've received are hanging around the parameter of our deck. Some are making noise, some sway with the wind, others just hang still, but only one spins. The wind spinning hangy-down thing on the corner of our deck is ingenious really. I sit and stare at this wind-vane as if I'm hypnotized. In the center is the cut out of a cross. And every time it makes a revolution the light reflects off the layers of cut metal as if it's working toward the center highlighting the cross.
This is my thought as I watch this wind-vane spin...that would be nice by itself, but it's really is made spectacular because of the sun. This morning the wind was blowing, and I noticed it there generically doing its normal stuff-spinning. However, this evening, the suns was shining bright and the wind really made it spin. You couldn't help but to watch the cross flash at you with every rotation. The Sun made all the difference.
To carry that thought even further. The cross is just a cross without the Son. It was Jesus that made the cross the Christian symbol for the centuries that followed. It was the Son that made people instantly reflect on what happened on the cross for their own lives. Without the Son, the cross is just pieces of wood that intersect in the center. Like the cross, my life would be without purpose...Without The Son.

This is my thought as I watch this wind-vane spin...that would be nice by itself, but it's really is made spectacular because of the sun. This morning the wind was blowing, and I noticed it there generically doing its normal stuff-spinning. However, this evening, the suns was shining bright and the wind really made it spin. You couldn't help but to watch the cross flash at you with every rotation. The Sun made all the difference.
To carry that thought even further. The cross is just a cross without the Son. It was Jesus that made the cross the Christian symbol for the centuries that followed. It was the Son that made people instantly reflect on what happened on the cross for their own lives. Without the Son, the cross is just pieces of wood that intersect in the center. Like the cross, my life would be without purpose...Without The Son.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Day 8 Doxology: Today's doxology has a taste of contradiction. On one hand God's greatness permeates everything and anything we experience in this world, but on the other, we revel in our brilliance to adapt.
Have you ever heard of the story of a tower named Babel? The story is told in Genesis chapter 11, and is used to explain the origin of different languages. What happened was clear and simple...humanity could speak one language which meant we could communicate and work together. We thought, in great communication, Hey...let's build a city and a tower all the way to the heavens. Here's the contradiction...The Lord came down and said, The people are one, I'd better stop this right now. Bamm! Different languages!
I feel like humanity is always eagerly pushing forward and achieving. The majority of the world pushes the envelope scientifically without any thoughts or comfort that science and God can coexist. I believe one doesn't disprove the other but compliment the findings in each respective field.
This evening a tree service came and cut down a tree that had died and posed a danger to the power lines, a power pole, and anyone passing by in front of my house. Just like a kid that played with dump trucks, tractors, bulldozers and loaders, I marveled at what felt like a new toy-a bucket truck in my driveway!
I was hypnotized as the bucket reached to the heavens and wondered if I could be bold enough to take it to the top. I couldn't help but to think...humanity is resilient. Someone at some time thought...I could cut this tree down easier and safer if I had a long arm with a basket on the end. Bamm! A Bucket Truck!
The great inventions of our life, and the lives of all the generations before us are not a test or challenge for God. It is an inherent quality that separates us from other species. In my really speaks to God's brilliance. Bamm! God Made Us!
Have you ever heard of the story of a tower named Babel? The story is told in Genesis chapter 11, and is used to explain the origin of different languages. What happened was clear and simple...humanity could speak one language which meant we could communicate and work together. We thought, in great communication, Hey...let's build a city and a tower all the way to the heavens. Here's the contradiction...The Lord came down and said, The people are one, I'd better stop this right now. Bamm! Different languages!
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Abel Grimmer (1570-1619). |
This evening a tree service came and cut down a tree that had died and posed a danger to the power lines, a power pole, and anyone passing by in front of my house. Just like a kid that played with dump trucks, tractors, bulldozers and loaders, I marveled at what felt like a new toy-a bucket truck in my driveway!
I was hypnotized as the bucket reached to the heavens and wondered if I could be bold enough to take it to the top. I couldn't help but to think...humanity is resilient. Someone at some time thought...I could cut this tree down easier and safer if I had a long arm with a basket on the end. Bamm! A Bucket Truck!
The great inventions of our life, and the lives of all the generations before us are not a test or challenge for God. It is an inherent quality that separates us from other species. In my really speaks to God's brilliance. Bamm! God Made Us!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Can A Dad Boast?
I have a favorite age that I think back to often, and it makes me want to just wrap my arms around them and wrestle with them throughout the house like we use to. Back then they would try and team up on me as soon as I walked in the door, sometimes hiding from me until..."SUPRISE!" J-1 would act like she was reading to her sisters for hours. J-2 would be falling and breaking things or need stitches. J-3 would hide from us until we begged for her to come out. Come to think of it J-2 and J-3 swopped those roles a lot. All three were responsible for making it snow with a huge family size container of baby powder. Each are special and unique in their own way.
One year for Christmas Santa Clause made a doll house. After the season settled down, I made a beautiful 6 panel front door out of cedar for their new doll house. After hours of detailed work, complete with brass hinges and door knocker, I said Jackie look at your new door. She grabbed it, ran to her room, and it was never seen again.
A year or so later, J-2 was playing hide and seek, but she must have meant that it was hide and sleep, because she hide and fell asleep on top of the trundle under her bed. Two parents and a grandmother franticly searched for the missing girl for way too long. And, just before I was ready to call for an Amber Alert, she was found...Bless her heart!
Then there was the time that J-3 was sitting on the 4 footboard of our bed hypnotized by the TV. I came in the bedroom and told her not to sit on footboard or she could fall off and break her arm. She climb down, I walk in the living room, and I heard...plump! She fell off the footboard and broke her arm. Her jersey cow cast looked so cute for her birthday pictures as she was videoed making an impatient chicken sound -Baooooock!
Now they're all grown, and I am more proud of them than ever. They've managed to grow into some of the most beautiful, funny, hard-working, heartfelt young Christian ladies that a dad could hope for. Because of them, I have a hint of the depths of a Father's love? It is the single best joy of my adult life...and it makes me to always strive to be and do better. Can A Dad Boast?
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
The Buddy Bench
Day 6 Doxology: I think every generation feels that the world is becoming so fractured that surely their's is the last to have dominion over this world. In fact, just a limited amount of time in front of the television or catching up on the headlines could drive us into a depressed state. I think it is the "lemonade out of lemons" that separates many of us and keeps us climbing the hill of life.
My wife is an assistant principal here in Alabama. Two classes in her 2nd grade read a book about a new kid at school and looked for a way to create some old fashion lemonade. You can imagine the outsider moving into a new place where relationships are already formed, everyone knows who's the best at math, the best at English, or the best athlete. For a new kid to break into all-ready-established groups is as difficult as climbing the hill of life.

As it turns out, this fictional book did not have as happy an ending as one would least for the characters in the book. However, for a 2nd grade class in North Alabama the ending was made perfect because of their ability to create change.
The two classes read the book, felt the passion for change, wrote a petition to make change possible with some help of a few adults. Now, for me, this makes the story even better. Have you ever noticed the ideas and potential hope that a child can have only to be extinguish by a few realistic adults. They smother their dreams by telling them "That won't make a difference;" or "You're just too young to understand!" As adults, shouldn't we want to fan the dreams of the next generation to help make the hill..less hilly?
These kids proposed to the school system the need for a "Buddy Bench" to give a place where kids could meet and talk with one another in a safe place. This bench could act like a Home Base for the game of life. The bench could be and insult-free zone where dreams could flourish. The 2nd graders handed my wife their petition with the simplest idea for change they could imagine, and change was already happening.
She called all the right people. They found an old park bench that was in storage. They had it painted, they let the kids paint it. They met with architects and created plans for a 15 X 20 concrete slab so more kids than originally thought could land safely on base. While they were finishing the concrete they called the kids to make their mark and cement their dreams forever. Meanwhile, She talked to a friend in our church and asked him to laser cut a plaque with the date a names of those responsible. A different friend from our church drove 2 plus hours to deliver the plaque for it to be added to the freshly poured concrete. These 2nd graders had all of the adults running around promoting their idea for change, and for a while adults didn't worry about their own "Hill of Life".
Tomorrow will be the ribbon cutting. The newspapers, the local television news stations will be there to write and film this historical day. The county administration and elected public officials will all be there because 50-60 2nd graders found a way to make tomorrow better. Maybe we are looking for ideas of change in all the wrong places...maybe all we need is a "Buddy Bench!"
My wife is an assistant principal here in Alabama. Two classes in her 2nd grade read a book about a new kid at school and looked for a way to create some old fashion lemonade. You can imagine the outsider moving into a new place where relationships are already formed, everyone knows who's the best at math, the best at English, or the best athlete. For a new kid to break into all-ready-established groups is as difficult as climbing the hill of life.
As it turns out, this fictional book did not have as happy an ending as one would least for the characters in the book. However, for a 2nd grade class in North Alabama the ending was made perfect because of their ability to create change.
The two classes read the book, felt the passion for change, wrote a petition to make change possible with some help of a few adults. Now, for me, this makes the story even better. Have you ever noticed the ideas and potential hope that a child can have only to be extinguish by a few realistic adults. They smother their dreams by telling them "That won't make a difference;" or "You're just too young to understand!" As adults, shouldn't we want to fan the dreams of the next generation to help make the hill..less hilly?
She called all the right people. They found an old park bench that was in storage. They had it painted, they let the kids paint it. They met with architects and created plans for a 15 X 20 concrete slab so more kids than originally thought could land safely on base. While they were finishing the concrete they called the kids to make their mark and cement their dreams forever. Meanwhile, She talked to a friend in our church and asked him to laser cut a plaque with the date a names of those responsible. A different friend from our church drove 2 plus hours to deliver the plaque for it to be added to the freshly poured concrete. These 2nd graders had all of the adults running around promoting their idea for change, and for a while adults didn't worry about their own "Hill of Life".
Tomorrow will be the ribbon cutting. The newspapers, the local television news stations will be there to write and film this historical day. The county administration and elected public officials will all be there because 50-60 2nd graders found a way to make tomorrow better. Maybe we are looking for ideas of change in all the wrong places...maybe all we need is a "Buddy Bench!"
Monday, March 6, 2017
Grace Extended!
Day 5 Doxology: Today my family said goodbye to a vehicle that has been more than a safe mode of transportation for several years. You might be scratching your head thinking how on earth can this be a doxology moment, and why did he write so much...he must be hurting for something to blog about? Maybe, but it doesn't change the sense of loss that I felt watching her pull away.
I can't remember when we bought our 2002 Yukon XL from a close friend. The Yukon had been a blessing to their family for several years before it gave so much to ours. Our friend sold it to us after she had taken amazing care of it for a very, very discounted price at a time when the favor was greatly needed -grace extended!
At the time, we had 3 small children, and we needed something big, dependable, and safe. We were able to take many trips and the DVD player would keep them content for hours while we drove in style. Not to mention the time Shannon claims to have met two San Destin angels that changed her tire after running over a piece of metal in the road -you have to get her to tell you that story!
Even when it acted up Grace flowed thru her. One day when I was in seminary and serving in a student appointment position at my home church, Shannon, the girls, and our best friends and their children drove the Yukon home from Six Flags. In our friends drive way the transmission went out. It was like she limped home with everything she had before collapsing just to get our families home safe. The only thing to do was to call a wrecker.
The Yukon was sidelined while the local dealership replaced the transmission. Soon, I was called to pick up our baby. When I arrived at the dealership to see what the price of the new transmission, plus labor, would be...with my credit card in bill had been paid. I still get a lump in my throat and watery eyes thinking about the love someone else showed our family through this Yukon-grace extended!
Ironically, yesterday I shared in a sermon that Shannon and I have defined roles in our relationship that may seem, to some, unusual. She buys and sells the vehicles, and I cook and clean. Well, yesterday evening she sold our beloved Yukon XL, and today while I was cooking bacon, I watch it drive away. In her "negotiations" she saw ourselves in a young couple with young children seeking to buy the Yukon to reduce their debt. They were working toward "Financial Peace," like the program that we've taught at our church in the past. The same program Shannon and I used years ago to reduce our debt.
During the negotiations, Shannon really discounted our pre-agreed price. She told them the Yukon has been a blessing for our family, and she wanted it to be a blessing for theirs. Also, we are now in a point in our life that we can be the ones that can be that blessing to other. And so...the blessing of the Yukon lives on!
Now here 's my can read this and think well that was kind of pious -to do it then talk about it. It might be, but in truth to be extenders of grace really felt good. It was awesome to help others like my family had been helped time and again. In a small way, I wanted to praise God and honor them for their love shared to my family over the years and somehow address how it all was connected to this vehicle! What could this world be if we did actually pay it forward? How could the world change if we tried to out-extend grace to our neighbor? In truth, when you think you are blessing someone, you are actually blessing yourself -Grace Extended yet again!
Go forth, extend grace to someone today, and let that be your new Lenten discipline!
Saturday, March 4, 2017
The Bread of Life
I'm begging you pray tell may be asking? (No one says that anymore!) Well, "3 in 1" was my first thought because I could mention J-1, J-2, and J-3 in one blog. Which means not one of my beautiful daughters would be ahead in their secret pool as to which one of them would be mentioned the most this season of Lent. Also, it could have been a Holy reference to the Trinity..Not really! Maybe "3 in 1" was used because this is a "Praise to God" blog with Lenten implications. But really... it would have been because Shannon, and I, had the pleasure of having all three girls home this weekend. We played games together, we ate together, and we laughed together. What could make me praise God more than that?
Second on the list of potential titles was Caloric Mystery. I think this was because I wondered why Biscuits are so dang fattening! I'll move along.
Finally, The Bread of Life...I chose this title because of the blessings that is shared at the table. Think about all of the laughter, the tears, and the interventions that take place at the table. I have great friends that have this amazing table that will sit both our families, but when we are together for our weekly gala, our table of choice is in the kitchen at their island table. I can't tell you how many of the hi-lights of my life have been seated at their island table. Everything that I mentioned that could take place at the table has taken place in their kitchen at their island table with both of our families. I truly believe it is the nutrition needed for life!
The picture for today is a headless Jones bearing the joy of a father sharing and the daughter receiving a morning's breakfast. The aroma of bacon, eggs, coffee and biscuits fills the house and immediately joy is shared when a dad can cook breakfast for his girls. It's a parents dream to have their children growing and returning for their seat at the table.
So, you probably noticed that I didn't mention the obvious Holy Communion that is served at the table. It is also a place where we receive food for life, and where we remember what was done, and is being done, today in each of our lives. It is not limited to a certain person; all is welcome.
I will attend a service tonight, and at a point during that service I will serve Holy Communion. At which point I will say within the consecration of the elements, " this in Remembrance of me." It will be at that point that images of all the times that I've receive God's grace at all the tables in my life will race through my mind, and I will remind myself how blessed I am. It truly is the Bread of Life!
Friday, March 3, 2017
Step Into The Light!
Day 3 Doxology: Yesterday you learned that part of my morning ritual included time at The Gym. This morning's drive offered a doxology of sorts.
I've always heard it said, "If you don't like the weather in Alabama then just wait a day." The obvious implication is that the weather changes rather quickly quite often. This morning supported the ol' cliche. The first thing I noticed was I was going to need a coat.
Then I noticed this....
As I left my neighborhood and headed south on 75, I saw more and more signs of frost covering the roofs of each home that I passed. However, not every roofline was completely blanketed with frost like the picture I took for you. There was, on almost every home, a contrast of frost covered sections of the roof. That is when I felt the breath of God mention the power of light.
Throughout scripture God is described as light, and darkness reflects the absence of God. John 1:4 says, "In Him was Life, and that life was light to all mankind." I associate light with growth and health. The obvious image reflects the absence of frost due to the warmth of the sun only on the section of roof in the light. In the shade the frost still exist even though it is close to life-altering light.
I see this everyday in the church. There are many people that refuse to allow the light to consume their life. If they could just be bold and trusting the warmth of the Father would bring healing and safety to their upside world. It's not enough to be attached to a roof that is in the only reap the benefits promised to you if you trust enough to step into the light!
If your world feels cold, dark, and unfulfilled, and you go to church, you're busy serving, and you try to do "good" stop it, please! Stop trying to be what you think the world needs, and start allowing the light to consume every shingle, every gutter, and every downspout of your life! Step into the light!
May the light of God warm your world as you discover more and more during this season of Lent!
I've always heard it said, "If you don't like the weather in Alabama then just wait a day." The obvious implication is that the weather changes rather quickly quite often. This morning supported the ol' cliche. The first thing I noticed was I was going to need a coat.
Then I noticed this....
As I left my neighborhood and headed south on 75, I saw more and more signs of frost covering the roofs of each home that I passed. However, not every roofline was completely blanketed with frost like the picture I took for you. There was, on almost every home, a contrast of frost covered sections of the roof. That is when I felt the breath of God mention the power of light.
Throughout scripture God is described as light, and darkness reflects the absence of God. John 1:4 says, "In Him was Life, and that life was light to all mankind." I associate light with growth and health. The obvious image reflects the absence of frost due to the warmth of the sun only on the section of roof in the light. In the shade the frost still exist even though it is close to life-altering light.
I see this everyday in the church. There are many people that refuse to allow the light to consume their life. If they could just be bold and trusting the warmth of the Father would bring healing and safety to their upside world. It's not enough to be attached to a roof that is in the only reap the benefits promised to you if you trust enough to step into the light!
If your world feels cold, dark, and unfulfilled, and you go to church, you're busy serving, and you try to do "good" stop it, please! Stop trying to be what you think the world needs, and start allowing the light to consume every shingle, every gutter, and every downspout of your life! Step into the light!
May the light of God warm your world as you discover more and more during this season of Lent!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Lonely Leaves
Day 2 Doxology: I received great response from yesterday's introduction to this year Lenten season. I pray that I can keep up with the expectations! Today's post is truly an image that I have seen over and over, but today was the first day I really saw it. God is already changing my vision to see the hidden treasures all around.
It's no secret that some of mine and Shannon's favorite time through the years are the times when we collect our day's thoughts submerged in our hot tub. In addition to bringing closure for our day, I spend early morning time at The Gym then relax with a cup of coffee and a little water-jet massage. It was at this moment that I happened upon today's doxology.
The definition of massage is the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body, esp. to relieve tension - exactly what I often need. However, today my doxology moment came in the simplest of images and massage my mind and soul while releasing me from the tension of the world.
Pretty plain, isn't it? Nothing fancy...Nothing flashy. Just a limb of leaves. Grouped together without the protection of other leaves to block the wind. This lonely cluster reminded me of the prophet Jeremiah. Maybe it reminded me of the Jeremiah and all the ways that it can be proven that he was in fact a Bullfrog, or maybe it reminded me of Jeremiah because the scripture that this weekend's Emmaus Lay Leader is using is Jeremiah 17:7-8. That scripture is "But Blessed is the one who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that send out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." The image you see is not leaves on a limb, on a tree, near the water, with roots by the stream. In fact, what really made me think of the prophet was the way God blessed him to be strong enough to stand alone.
This is where you start thinking I expected a little more from him, but let me try a little harder. We are called at times to, in boldness, stand alone. The difficult balance for us, as Christ followers, is to live in the world without being of the world. Without raising a crude voice; without accepting the criteria set by society; by loving our neighbor. When we do these things then we can heed the words of our amphibian prophet and never fail to bear fruit!
It's no secret that some of mine and Shannon's favorite time through the years are the times when we collect our day's thoughts submerged in our hot tub. In addition to bringing closure for our day, I spend early morning time at The Gym then relax with a cup of coffee and a little water-jet massage. It was at this moment that I happened upon today's doxology.
The definition of massage is the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body, esp. to relieve tension - exactly what I often need. However, today my doxology moment came in the simplest of images and massage my mind and soul while releasing me from the tension of the world.
Pretty plain, isn't it? Nothing fancy...Nothing flashy. Just a limb of leaves. Grouped together without the protection of other leaves to block the wind. This lonely cluster reminded me of the prophet Jeremiah. Maybe it reminded me of the Jeremiah and all the ways that it can be proven that he was in fact a Bullfrog, or maybe it reminded me of Jeremiah because the scripture that this weekend's Emmaus Lay Leader is using is Jeremiah 17:7-8. That scripture is "But Blessed is the one who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that send out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." The image you see is not leaves on a limb, on a tree, near the water, with roots by the stream. In fact, what really made me think of the prophet was the way God blessed him to be strong enough to stand alone.
This is where you start thinking I expected a little more from him, but let me try a little harder. We are called at times to, in boldness, stand alone. The difficult balance for us, as Christ followers, is to live in the world without being of the world. Without raising a crude voice; without accepting the criteria set by society; by loving our neighbor. When we do these things then we can heed the words of our amphibian prophet and never fail to bear fruit!
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Day 1 Doxology: Wow! It's been a whole year since I last participated in my annual Lenten Devotional discipline, and I've missed it! I pray you have been looking forward to my returning doxology moments each day of Lent (excluding Sundays).
If you're new to my Lenten Blog then allow me a moment to give a brief explanation...during Lent, I take a moment of my day that I want to give praise to God (A Doxology Moment), take a picture or video of that moment and tell you why it is a moment of praise. Part of me loves to hear each day the feedback I get "never thought of it like that," or "I loved that reflection!" Mostly, I love that it conditions my soul to see God in places that I normally overlook. It is like a River that transports me from one place to another, and through it all, I am cleansed of the world. In a way it is a narrative of my Lenten journey of transformation.
Today, I begin our Lenten journey with a video. I hope the links works, but if it doesn't work for you the url address will be at the end of this post.
I am moved by music! I have an eclectic taste of all kinds of music regardless of the genre. I am, however, extremely drawn to anything soulful and passionate, sincere and raw! I think those songs that move us down a spiritual river are a Means of Grace for our life. Today, I stumbled across such a song -"River" by Leon Bridges.
This video is one that merges the Spirit of the song with raw untamed and brilliance of nature. The words are powerful but simple...a lot like the imagery. I hope you enjoy the song, and I pray that your reflection of this doxology moment will be enough to start your Lenten journey with me today!
This is the video link if you are unable to view in this post:
If you're new to my Lenten Blog then allow me a moment to give a brief explanation...during Lent, I take a moment of my day that I want to give praise to God (A Doxology Moment), take a picture or video of that moment and tell you why it is a moment of praise. Part of me loves to hear each day the feedback I get "never thought of it like that," or "I loved that reflection!" Mostly, I love that it conditions my soul to see God in places that I normally overlook. It is like a River that transports me from one place to another, and through it all, I am cleansed of the world. In a way it is a narrative of my Lenten journey of transformation.
Today, I begin our Lenten journey with a video. I hope the links works, but if it doesn't work for you the url address will be at the end of this post.
I am moved by music! I have an eclectic taste of all kinds of music regardless of the genre. I am, however, extremely drawn to anything soulful and passionate, sincere and raw! I think those songs that move us down a spiritual river are a Means of Grace for our life. Today, I stumbled across such a song -"River" by Leon Bridges.
This is the video link if you are unable to view in this post:
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