Shannon and I have some amazing friends...our closest have a dog named Fudge. Fudge is a Chocolate Lab around 11 years old (That's 77 in human years). Fudge is remarkable. Over the years Fudge has become blind, he has loss all kinds of weight, has a nervous skin issue that at times causes him to lose patches of hair. His appetite is incredible, but even still, his weight slowly has continued to decreased over the years. For me Fudge has become a mascot for life.
I wished you could see him get around on deck or in the garage. Over the years, I watched him bump his head more times than I care to imagine. His resiliency is a model for all who want to guide him around the chairs, tables and over the steps. He is a wonder dog!
I think about Fudge's owners (If you are comfortable calling them that?), and I think about their love for their friend. I haven't even begin to mention all the Christmases, New Year's or Easter's they've shared together. They have walked through the difficult task of life as one family. Think about this...when the older son went away to college for the first time, Fudge was there. When the daughter drove out of the driveway for the first time, Fudge was there. When the family gathered for Easter pictures as most families do...Fudge was there. Dog and owner have journeyed together. Which makes me think about God's love for us.

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