Day 24 Doxology: It's been a tough couple of Lenten days. I was talking with a friend this morning and she asked, "Have you quit doing your blog?" I laughed (or more like grunted), because I've wanted to never miss a day sharing with each of you, but life in the wilderness gets tough. I'm back today for God only long! Thanks for allowing rich honesty on a personal level.
Speaking of's doxology is probably more personal than I'm comfortable sharing. Today I am taking you on my closet tour.
My closet, like most, is a personal space. I have the obvious...clothes, but scattered throughout are items that keep me on track. Today's doxology is my boldness to share a few personal items that remind me to be thankful, peaceful, driven, and confident. Here we go!
This first item that I'm willing to share is a picture of my oldest. This picture is a special picture of her cuteness that will likely get me a disturbing call tonight, but it's not as much her as it is a time in my life that I deem the "perfect age" or "my favorite age!" Jackie was the oldest and the mother hen of her younger sisters...but in truth, each daughter was so different that their personalities complimented each other, and also, their parents who were just trying to be parents. They always made us look like we knew what we were doing. We were young and had so much energy then. All I can remember are the good times! Her picture reminds me to be
The second picture tucked away behind J-1's cute face is an old check given to me for my birthday from my amazing mother-n-law. When I see it I get that lump that reminds me how much they have always given to us to make sure Shannon and I could succeed. When I went to seminary she and Bill gave me a car to make the trip to Atlanta...and back! When we brought home our newly born daughters she would stay weeks at a time cooking and cleaning. Both she and Bill allowed Shannon and I to learn on the job. Every day I see this un-cashed check from a year ago, and I am reminded of her love and support...and in turn, I remember to be
Confident because I always know that I am loved!

The third item that I am willing to show is tucked away in the top right corner of my mirror. Years ago, we had aggravated one of our kids, and they couldn't wait for the moment to pay us back. A rough day at the beach is exhausting...sitting there watching people, eating too much, enjoying the best friends ever, soaking up the sun and surf. So, as soon as our eyes were shut the camera came out. Yep, we are some real party animals! Welcome to middle-age. I make sure I look at this picture ever day. Mainly, because it makes me smile. But also, it reminds me the importance of being still and resting. Taking time to fill my cup is the only way I can pour into others. It is in the greatest of these moments that I can have peace! This picture reminds me to be

My final picture to share is a picture that a growing young man drew for me one Christmas 2 years ago. The weight of this picture reminds me that I have been this young man's pastor for over half his life. We have a unique relationship -I buy gum, and he goes into my office and steals it. This one Christmas, I had been working an Emmaus Walk and the binder from the "Walk" was on a shelf in my office. The edge of the binder had a label that had the saying that is on the cross that pilgrims receive while on their Emmaus Walk -
Christ Is Counting On You! This 9 or 10 year boy took the time to draw and color this picture that he left for me on my desk. Every morning I glance at his offering, and it gives me energy for my day. It is a perfect symbol of praise to God and reminds us all that our little brothers and sisters are watching. They are like sponges soaking up everything they see and hear. His drawing prompts me to be more
Driven in all the areas of my life!
Thankful, Peaceful, Driven, and Confident...shouldn't we all start our day that way?
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