Monday, March 6, 2017

Grace Extended!

Day 5 Doxology:  Today my family said goodbye to a vehicle that has been more than a safe mode of transportation for several years.  You might be scratching your head thinking how on earth can this be  a doxology moment, and why did he write so much...he must be hurting for something to blog about?  Maybe, but it doesn't change the sense of loss that I felt watching her pull away.

I can't remember when we bought our 2002 Yukon XL from a close friend.  The Yukon had been a blessing to their family for several years before it gave so much to ours.  Our friend sold it to us after she had taken amazing care of it for a very, very discounted price at a time when the favor was greatly needed -grace extended!

At the time, we had 3 small children, and we needed something big, dependable, and safe.  We were able to take many trips and the DVD player would keep them content for hours while we drove in style.  Not to mention the time Shannon claims to have met two San Destin angels that changed her tire after running over a piece of metal in the road -you have to get her to tell you that story!

Even when it acted up Grace flowed thru her.  One day when I was in seminary and serving in a student appointment position at my home church, Shannon, the girls, and our best friends and their children drove the Yukon home from Six Flags.  In our friends drive way the transmission went out.  It was like she limped home with everything she had before collapsing just to get our families home safe. The only thing to do was to call a wrecker.

The Yukon was sidelined while the local dealership replaced the transmission.  Soon, I was called to pick up our baby.  When I arrived at the dealership to see what the price of the new transmission, plus labor, would be...with my credit card in bill had been paid.  I still get a lump in my throat and watery eyes thinking about the love someone else showed our family through this Yukon-grace extended!

Ironically, yesterday I shared in a sermon that Shannon and I have defined roles in our relationship that may seem, to some, unusual.  She buys and sells the vehicles, and I cook and clean.  Well, yesterday evening she sold our beloved Yukon XL, and today while I was cooking bacon, I watch it drive away.  In her "negotiations" she saw ourselves in a young couple with young children seeking to buy the Yukon to reduce their debt.  They were working toward "Financial Peace," like the program that we've taught at our church in the past.   The same program Shannon and I used years ago to reduce our debt.

During the negotiations, Shannon really discounted our pre-agreed price.  She told them the Yukon has been a blessing for our family, and she wanted it to be a blessing for theirs.  Also, we are now in a point in our life that we can be the ones that can be that blessing to other.  And so...the blessing of the Yukon lives on!

Now here 's my can read this and think well that was kind of pious -to do it then talk about it.  It might be, but in truth to be extenders of grace really felt good.  It was awesome to help others like my family had been helped time and again.  In a small way, I wanted to praise God and honor them for their love shared to my family over the years and somehow address how it all was connected to this vehicle! What could this world be if we did actually pay it forward?  How could the world change if we tried to out-extend grace to our neighbor?  In truth, when you think you are blessing someone, you are actually blessing yourself -Grace Extended yet again!

Go forth, extend grace to someone today, and let that be your new Lenten discipline!

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