I'm begging you pray tell why...you may be asking? (No one says that anymore!) Well, "3 in 1" was my first thought because I could mention J-1, J-2, and J-3 in one blog. Which means not one of my beautiful daughters would be ahead in their secret pool as to which one of them would be mentioned the most this season of Lent. Also, it could have been a Holy reference to the Trinity..Not really! Maybe "3 in 1" was used because this is a "Praise to God" blog with Lenten implications. But really... it would have been because Shannon, and I, had the pleasure of having all three girls home this weekend. We played games together, we ate together, and we laughed together. What could make me praise God more than that?
Second on the list of potential titles was Caloric Mystery. I think this was because I wondered why Biscuits are so dang fattening! I'll move along.
Finally, The Bread of Life...I chose this title because of the blessings that is shared at the table. Think about all of the laughter, the tears, and the interventions that take place at the table. I have great friends that have this amazing table that will sit both our families, but when we are together for our weekly gala, our table of choice is in the kitchen at their island table. I can't tell you how many of the hi-lights of my life have been seated at their island table. Everything that I mentioned that could take place at the table has taken place in their kitchen at their island table with both of our families. I truly believe it is the nutrition needed for life!
The picture for today is a headless Jones bearing the joy of a father sharing and the daughter receiving a morning's breakfast. The aroma of bacon, eggs, coffee and biscuits fills the house and immediately joy is shared when a dad can cook breakfast for his girls. It's a parents dream to have their children growing and returning for their seat at the table.
So, you probably noticed that I didn't mention the obvious Holy Communion that is served at the table. It is also a place where we receive food for life, and where we remember what was done, and is being done, today in each of our lives. It is not limited to a certain person; all is welcome.
I will attend a service tonight, and at a point during that service I will serve Holy Communion. At which point I will say within the consecration of the elements, "...do this in Remembrance of me." It will be at that point that images of all the times that I've receive God's grace at all the tables in my life will race through my mind, and I will remind myself how blessed I am. It truly is the Bread of Life!
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