Day 22 Doxology: Welcome to today's doxology. After such great response from so many about yesterday's post, I feel pressured to represent more than ever. However, in the true Lenten was hard to feel today's collusion of God and Earth...until I sat in silence going through a series of images from this afternoon -a wedding celebration at our church.
Today was a full day of celebration for one of our own, her new husband, and her family. It started with unlocking the church at 8 a.m. for the cupcakes and cake to be delivered. A decorator and a cook was there with coffee in hand. Then more tables were to be picked up, put together, and decorated. All of this and the wedding wasn't until 2 p.m. The church was alive, and so many were buzzing around with their job to do.
The wedding was beautiful! Something about a bride and groom professing their love joined with God -before God- that seems to be a doxology all its own, but still...that wasn't it!
After the wedding, the celebration was on. I stood near the wall and watched. I watched the kids waiting for the moment they could be turned loose on the cupcakes, I watch the older woman with shoulder-less dresses cringe when the A/C cycled on. I watch so many worker bees from our church fill and refill the food and drinks used up by the guest. It was so noticeable and worthy of praise that the mother of the bride praised God for the "Body of Christ" that has helped so much.
It was about that time that I went upstairs and from the balcony took this picture, and it was this picture that made me pause and thank God for his grace!
Many of you remember that it was at a wedding that Jesus began his ministry. His mom said, do it. He said, it's not time, and Jesus then went on to turn water into wine. What is it about a wedding celebration that would make Jesus reconsider the launch of His ministry? Could it be the people?
This post wedding celebration happened to take place in our church gym. The family and friends spent hours turning this sweaty place of play into a celebratory launch for a couple into the world as one. The moment didn't speak to my heart like the picture did hours's not the space that is holy, but the people. It's not the marriage that is instantaneously holy but what they do with vows they pledge. And, just like that imperfect gym floor that was transformed into a beautiful space for celebration and miracles, our bodies are also imperfect waiting to be that beautiful space for Christ to's a place of real miracles! Praise God, because you are today's doxology!
The creation of this blog is sketchy at best. I remain inspired after reading several blogs of many talented friends that have the gift of words. I stammer at the chance, cautiously moving forward to develop something interesting out of my life. I long for the art to move others through words, and this is that poor attempt. So, obtain anything you can, and throw away the rest. More importantly, participate. Perhaps, you can help me work out the differences between my dreams and God's reality.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Friday, March 29, 2019
Train Up A Child
Day 21 Doxology: For those that might not know...I am the father of three daughters and each has a name that starts with the letter J. So, instead of playing the name game I call them J-1, J-2, or J-3. So, with that being said, today's doxology came from out of state! I travel north to J-2's new home in Tennessee for a wonderful surprise!
J-2 and her husband bought their home last summer and have been taking the necessary time to knock off project after project which is the newlywed way! I'm extremely proud of the work they've done.
When I drove up I immediately saw the fruits of their labor. From the curb you could see that someone cared about their home's appearance. There were new shrubs, bark, and ivy thoughtfully planted. J-2 had spent hours building shrub bed outlined with white stones. They had pressured washed the soffits, fascia boards, gutters, and side walk. Inside she had replanted plants for decoration and purpose. It was a great sense of pride for a father to see her so intentional about making her house a home! It is a powerful doxology to share with you!
The Bible shares in Proverbs 22, "Train up a child the way you would have them to go and they will not depart from it..." I believe that! I used to believe that only applied to discipline. However, today the source of my expanded deddy-chest was the thought that all those years of replanting monkey grass, tilling and planting our garden, watering our pool-side hibiscus and hanging porch ferns was not wasted. She didn't resent those things, but choose to incorporate them in her own home for her and her family.
They still have projects on the list, but they've checked several off already. She and her sisters lived in the sawdust of every new project their entire childhood, and today I was convinced it wasn't for them the burden that I thought, but a blessing! Maybe mom and I didn't mess things up...Train up a child the way you would have them to go...and one day they will make you the proudest dad in the world! I love you baby!
When I drove up I immediately saw the fruits of their labor. From the curb you could see that someone cared about their home's appearance. There were new shrubs, bark, and ivy thoughtfully planted. J-2 had spent hours building shrub bed outlined with white stones. They had pressured washed the soffits, fascia boards, gutters, and side walk. Inside she had replanted plants for decoration and purpose. It was a great sense of pride for a father to see her so intentional about making her house a home! It is a powerful doxology to share with you!

They still have projects on the list, but they've checked several off already. She and her sisters lived in the sawdust of every new project their entire childhood, and today I was convinced it wasn't for them the burden that I thought, but a blessing! Maybe mom and I didn't mess things up...Train up a child the way you would have them to go...and one day they will make you the proudest dad in the world! I love you baby!
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Onions, Bell Peppers, and Celery
Day 20 Doxology: Today's image does the best it can to meet all our senses...senses that are usually confined geographically. That's right...The Big Easy!
After several appointments for my Thursday, I wanted to surprise my Tahiti-sweetie (Shannon) with one of her favorite meals -Gumbo! It takes a while to prepare and even longer to simmer for full flavor.
An intricate part of anything Cajun is what we call the "Holy Trinity!" For person's of faith, the Holy Trinity is mentioned in scripture, and referenced as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! If you visit the "Big Easy," it doesn't take very long before you realize that religion is a strong staple of the New Orleans's culture, and the "Holy Trinity" applies to more than religion!
Emeril Lagasse, was the first to coin the phrase...Bamm! And, in doing so, he was the first that I heard use the term "Holy Trinity" to describe Onions, Bell Peppers, and Celery -a base for most anything Cajun! Now that you understand my favorite food group is a bit spicy, today's doxology take's a back seat.
If I had to specify a doxology out of all that I've previously mentioned, it would be the thought and attitude that God is always among us. It doesn't matter if it is in the understanding as God "The Father"...maybe as a saving "Jesus the Son"... or the motivative power of God as the "Holy Spirit!"
Regardless, how you feel God and God's expressions through this cannot deny that it is full of flavor -like Onions, Bell Peppers, and Celery.
After several appointments for my Thursday, I wanted to surprise my Tahiti-sweetie (Shannon) with one of her favorite meals -Gumbo! It takes a while to prepare and even longer to simmer for full flavor.
An intricate part of anything Cajun is what we call the "Holy Trinity!" For person's of faith, the Holy Trinity is mentioned in scripture, and referenced as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! If you visit the "Big Easy," it doesn't take very long before you realize that religion is a strong staple of the New Orleans's culture, and the "Holy Trinity" applies to more than religion!
Emeril Lagasse, was the first to coin the phrase...Bamm! And, in doing so, he was the first that I heard use the term "Holy Trinity" to describe Onions, Bell Peppers, and Celery -a base for most anything Cajun! Now that you understand my favorite food group is a bit spicy, today's doxology take's a back seat.
If I had to specify a doxology out of all that I've previously mentioned, it would be the thought and attitude that God is always among us. It doesn't matter if it is in the understanding as God "The Father"...maybe as a saving "Jesus the Son"... or the motivative power of God as the "Holy Spirit!"
Regardless, how you feel God and God's expressions through this cannot deny that it is full of flavor -like Onions, Bell Peppers, and Celery.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Clear and Simple

Today's doxology is a picture from a Tennessee farm that makes me smile inside and out. Sales agencies are a multi-billion dollar industry. The corporate world of sales is so competitive that each firm is looking for the next Steve Jobs to guide them to be the next Fortune 500 company exhibiting skills that are greater than anyone else...who knew such an entrepreneur could be found in Tennessee.

But...back to the Used Cow Sale, what does that mean? How used are the cows? Is the price prorated based on depreciation? So many questions...
As for the two images: Image 1 - a message is communicated, but there is more to the message; Image 2 - a lot is said, but the real meaning gets lost!
What do you gather from both images? Steve Jobs lives in Tennessee! And, can anyone remember how does this relate to today's doxology? When the rich young ruler asked Jesus what was the greatest commandment, Jesus used clear and simple language -Love God and Love Others!
When I get lost, when I look for used cows to buy, when I want buy gas and wonder if I need to pay first...I don't look to Steve Jobs from Tennessee, I look to Jesus!
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Bookends of Jesus

The Walk to Emmaus is a 3-day spiritual journey where people from all over come together to serve and be served. A person can only go on their Emmaus Walk one time which makes it all that more special. It is the intent of Emmaus to strengthen the local church by making stronger, more spiritual disciples for Jesus Christ! So once your weekend is over, you head back to your church and find a way you can serve. Which means you get to pay forward God's love for the next pilgrim on their Emmaus Walk.
Since you can only go on your Emmaus Walk one time, one of the ways to stay connect to your Emmaus experience is to join a Reunion Group. A Reunion Group is a group that meets weekly and holds one another accountable by asking/ answering two simple questions -What is my closest to Christ moment in the past week, and When have I failed to be Christ to my neighbor? Answering these two questions has a special way of centering a person.
Another way to stay connected to your Emmaus Experience and keep the Emmaus community vital and strong for others to experience their own "Walk" is to attend "Cluster Meetings" once a month. It's a time of welcoming new members to the community, worship, Holy Communion, and fellowship.
Whew! That's enough back ground info I think?
Today was a doxology day because my morning started with my new Reunion Group and concluded with our "Cluster Meeting" which just happened to be on the same day. This cluster is one of the healthiest cluster in the Alabama Emmaus you can imagine our worship experience and fellowship while including maybe 10 new additions to the Emmaus community! And, the icing on the cake was serving Holy Communion alongside my wife! God is Good, for sure!
I guess at the heart of my rambling is the reminder that if your day begins with Jesus, and ends with, that is something to celebrate! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Monday, March 25, 2019
The Rings

Today, I had come home and cooked for my sweet bride. Before you take my man-card, I cooked taco salad; taco salad would not be Jones' first choice! And, I was feeling Mexi-Americo Jones' style!
In short, I spent the afternoon working through buying groceries, putting up groceries, cooking groceries according to the goal with little attention to "The Rings!"
Closing 'The Rings" have become a love-hate relationship just like my friend suggests. In explanation, our apple watch provides a guardian for a person to burn a set number of calories. Color rings are a visual aids that gives one an indication of the progress for that day.
I have completed over 13 weeks of rings. It becomes an obsessions of Move, Exercise, and Stand to close out the designated goals for each ring.
The evening is spent standing to close out the day, or jogging to burn the remaining calories for exercise. In short, the rings become a greater focus than it's intended goal -fitness and health!
Today's doxology is the reminder that we get side-tracked while doing good! What is our focus! And, can we rebound to continue what God has designed us to be?
I'm certain we can!
Friday, March 22, 2019
Super Hero
Day 15 Doxology: Have you ever participated in a discussion that started with the question, "If you were a super hero what would your super power be?" Over the years, I've heard answers that created great discussions like flying, invisibility, unlimited get the idea!
The 2nd part of the discussion that involved having a super power meant determining what would be your weakness. For instance, Kryptonite is Superman's weakness.
Today while walking in front of family after family putting their mark on the beautiful Gulf beach, I ran across this fortress. The really cool thing about this fortress was that it was being held and protected by Ironman and two other super heroes. Outside the fortress walls, and on the other side of a mote, was what was obviously a super villain.
No children were nearby, no one was acting out an assault on the castle, or offering defense orders to hold the wall! It's almost like this scene was simply beach accessories...what if when no one was watching the super heroes came alive like in Toy Story I, II, and XV? It just made me pause and snap a picture as today's doxology! Why, you may ask?
I praised God, because all that I've just shared with you went through my very empty mind in a split second. I immediately thought well Praise God...I'm a Super Hero! I have as my "phone a friend" life-line the creator of everything we know and don't know...every molecule seen and unseen...every emotion felt and yet to be felt! And all I have to do is call on His name! I am in awe at His power and the power that He has promised me!
So yes! I am a super hero and the only weakness to my super power!
The 2nd part of the discussion that involved having a super power meant determining what would be your weakness. For instance, Kryptonite is Superman's weakness.
Today while walking in front of family after family putting their mark on the beautiful Gulf beach, I ran across this fortress. The really cool thing about this fortress was that it was being held and protected by Ironman and two other super heroes. Outside the fortress walls, and on the other side of a mote, was what was obviously a super villain.
No children were nearby, no one was acting out an assault on the castle, or offering defense orders to hold the wall! It's almost like this scene was simply beach accessories...what if when no one was watching the super heroes came alive like in Toy Story I, II, and XV? It just made me pause and snap a picture as today's doxology! Why, you may ask?
I praised God, because all that I've just shared with you went through my very empty mind in a split second. I immediately thought well Praise God...I'm a Super Hero! I have as my "phone a friend" life-line the creator of everything we know and don't know...every molecule seen and unseen...every emotion felt and yet to be felt! And all I have to do is call on His name! I am in awe at His power and the power that He has promised me!
So yes! I am a super hero and the only weakness to my super power!
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Day 13 Doxology: What a huge undertaken today's doxology is for me...not really!
My desire to be clean shaven has given me an opportunity to present today's doxology!
Over the years, all we've heard is the church is two-face/ hipocrites! Is that true? After great intellectual inspiration, I decided to look it up, and what I discovered is hypocrites is defined as two-faced, insincere or deceitful.
Is there something in your life that can be defined as insincere or deceitful? For centuries the church has been the recipient of: "they don't mean what they say" or, "they don't believe what they say!" In truth, at the end of the day, it's all about who can come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ!
Back to the pic: the world sees the church as two-faced -half bearded and half shaven and often partially gray! They see a world of religion profiting very little against the world. The churches that do this well are the churches that overcome the dead-fall that is built by the calamities of life.
Can we look through the dead-fall and convince our community that we are who we say we are? Two-faced (Half-shaven) will do more harm than those near us that offer consistency in a darkness of distractions!
And, at the end of the day it might mean the world to someone else....if you realize that giving up a gray beard might mean an incredible supper with someone you love!

Over the years, all we've heard is the church is two-face/ hipocrites! Is that true? After great intellectual inspiration, I decided to look it up, and what I discovered is hypocrites is defined as two-faced, insincere or deceitful.
Is there something in your life that can be defined as insincere or deceitful? For centuries the church has been the recipient of: "they don't mean what they say" or, "they don't believe what they say!" In truth, at the end of the day, it's all about who can come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ!
Back to the pic: the world sees the church as two-faced -half bearded and half shaven and often partially gray! They see a world of religion profiting very little against the world. The churches that do this well are the churches that overcome the dead-fall that is built by the calamities of life.
Can we look through the dead-fall and convince our community that we are who we say we are? Two-faced (Half-shaven) will do more harm than those near us that offer consistency in a darkness of distractions!
And, at the end of the day it might mean the world to someone else....if you realize that giving up a gray beard might mean an incredible supper with someone you love!
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
For Jesus Sake
Day 12 Doxology: It's great to be back! Since we last talked, my wife and I traveled south to San Destin for spring break and yes, it's been an amazing time off-stage and peaceful relaxation. But in truth...are we ever "off stage?"
This morning Shannon and I walked the unsually quiet beach of San Destin. It was quiet in every sense: not many people; not much warmth; hardly any waves. It made me many times have I seen the tumultuous waters crash wave after wave threatening the beach and my umbrella positioning? Over the years, I've had difficulty even carrying on a conversation because of the crash of each wave against the pitch of the beach. Today was different.
I wanted to pause and capture this moment of peace for us both. I'm afraid it's a peace that wouldn't last.
All day I leaned on the calm of this morning's waves to bring peace to our day. And, as you would expect it didn't last. Tonight, in my golf cart as I was traveling behind a car that was about to lose its car-tag I mentioned to the riders as they exited "Hey, you're about to lose your tag!" They couldn't wait to use profanity and express how upset they were that I drew attention to their predictable upcoming situation. I laughed and shrugged it off after a bit of self preservation!
The truth in the valley is in your face and seldom as peaceful as a smooth and easy beach in the morning. The greater question is this...are you willing to expose yourself time and again to the tumultuous world for "Jesus sake!"
Jesus gives us the calm in order to deal with the valley!
This morning Shannon and I walked the unsually quiet beach of San Destin. It was quiet in every sense: not many people; not much warmth; hardly any waves. It made me many times have I seen the tumultuous waters crash wave after wave threatening the beach and my umbrella positioning? Over the years, I've had difficulty even carrying on a conversation because of the crash of each wave against the pitch of the beach. Today was different.
I wanted to pause and capture this moment of peace for us both. I'm afraid it's a peace that wouldn't last.
All day I leaned on the calm of this morning's waves to bring peace to our day. And, as you would expect it didn't last. Tonight, in my golf cart as I was traveling behind a car that was about to lose its car-tag I mentioned to the riders as they exited "Hey, you're about to lose your tag!" They couldn't wait to use profanity and express how upset they were that I drew attention to their predictable upcoming situation. I laughed and shrugged it off after a bit of self preservation!
The truth in the valley is in your face and seldom as peaceful as a smooth and easy beach in the morning. The greater question is this...are you willing to expose yourself time and again to the tumultuous world for "Jesus sake!"
Jesus gives us the calm in order to deal with the valley!
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Easier Than Cleaning Windows!
Day 10 Doxology: Here we are...the 10th day of our heightened focus on ways to praise God!
Some entries have been more favorable than other, but all are likened to scripture and God's desire for our day. Which leads me to today's doxology:
If you've followed me over the years, or if you know both Shannon and me, then you are pretty clear that I an OCD. Cleanliness is next to holiness, right! In short, there is a doxology today that must be from God!
I spent the day by cutting up a tree that had expired it's life expectancy. After I had reached the point that I could call it quits, I moved to today's supper plans - Potato Soup!
Once I started the prep for supper, I noticed that the evening was moving through the house at an unexpected was then I saw today's doxology!
When the sun was low in the sky, I had noticed the window was in much need of cleaning...but wait, I had just cleaned it roughly a week and a half ago! Also, I had just looked through this window approximately 5 mins ago, and it looked clean as a whistle! Nonetheless, it is now clear (Not clear)...the window needed cleaning!
Funny wasn't clear that the window needed the much posterior cleaning until the Sun had reached a certain elevation in the evening sky. Which offered today's doxology....We aren't sure of the need of purification, or cleansing, until the Father shines light on our life!
Many that are outside the church will read this and say, "Great, you've got to be a member of the church!" However, if you've been a member of the church for years, then you know once we walk into the light, our life is exposed for who we are!
Yes, it's a dirty window, but that is better than a dirty life that prevents you from an eternity in heaven! And, if the truth be know, it takes more physical effort to clean the window than it takes to cleanse your life! "We are saved by Grace though Faith!" It seems difficult but it's that simple and that true! Thank the Lord, because I could never cleaned enough windows to secure my place in heaven...! Today's doxology is a hearty....Praise God!
Some entries have been more favorable than other, but all are likened to scripture and God's desire for our day. Which leads me to today's doxology:
If you've followed me over the years, or if you know both Shannon and me, then you are pretty clear that I an OCD. Cleanliness is next to holiness, right! In short, there is a doxology today that must be from God!
I spent the day by cutting up a tree that had expired it's life expectancy. After I had reached the point that I could call it quits, I moved to today's supper plans - Potato Soup!
Once I started the prep for supper, I noticed that the evening was moving through the house at an unexpected was then I saw today's doxology!
Funny wasn't clear that the window needed the much posterior cleaning until the Sun had reached a certain elevation in the evening sky. Which offered today's doxology....We aren't sure of the need of purification, or cleansing, until the Father shines light on our life!
Many that are outside the church will read this and say, "Great, you've got to be a member of the church!" However, if you've been a member of the church for years, then you know once we walk into the light, our life is exposed for who we are!
Yes, it's a dirty window, but that is better than a dirty life that prevents you from an eternity in heaven! And, if the truth be know, it takes more physical effort to clean the window than it takes to cleanse your life! "We are saved by Grace though Faith!" It seems difficult but it's that simple and that true! Thank the Lord, because I could never cleaned enough windows to secure my place in heaven...! Today's doxology is a hearty....Praise God!
Friday, March 15, 2019
What Are You Anchored To?
Day 9 Doxology: Today's doxology is going to take a "Where's Waldo" champion!
Can you see what is the difference between this before and after image?

You're right, Shannon! Sorry, you're wrong!
The difference is the 1x 4 board that was installed to secure the handrail. Over the years the handrail has been used and, because the backing for the handrail was sheetrock, the "snug-ness" has become compromised! So, we needed to allow the handrail to be anchored "on solid ground." For your records, that was the original intent!
There is an old hymn:
My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:
All other ground is sinking sand.
For our young families; for our older families... to what are you anchored? What is the foundation to that which you believe? Is it Christ, or is it the world?
This simple doxology could be life-changing, or it could be easily deleted and forgotten. If you are not anchored into something solid how can you expect to endure the test of time? Build your faith on solid ground, strengthen that which you believe by completing your daily healthy essential habits. Grow in your discipleship!
Someday someone will need to lean on you for stability, what you are anchored to will make all the difference in the world...and beyond!
Can you see what is the difference between this before and after image?

The difference is the 1x 4 board that was installed to secure the handrail. Over the years the handrail has been used and, because the backing for the handrail was sheetrock, the "snug-ness" has become compromised! So, we needed to allow the handrail to be anchored "on solid ground." For your records, that was the original intent!
There is an old hymn:
My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:
All other ground is sinking sand.
For our young families; for our older families... to what are you anchored? What is the foundation to that which you believe? Is it Christ, or is it the world?
This simple doxology could be life-changing, or it could be easily deleted and forgotten. If you are not anchored into something solid how can you expect to endure the test of time? Build your faith on solid ground, strengthen that which you believe by completing your daily healthy essential habits. Grow in your discipleship!
Someday someone will need to lean on you for stability, what you are anchored to will make all the difference in the world...and beyond!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Grace is Grace Regardless!
Day 8 Doxology: Please allow me a disclaimer from the very start of this doxology...I am an alumni of the University of Alabama, and I bleed crimson! Really, I am partial and unapologetic during football season, and I am working through basketball, track, crew, volleyball, and baseball. In short, I'm a fan which is short for fanatic! However, I'm humbled and love my brothers and sisters from the other college in the state! If that is all you hang your hat on, then you are missing the point if this doxology!
Tonight, I received a message / billboard from God...I call it conviction! A feeling of remorse for an action for or against. In short, I felt guilty!
Our church host an incredible Upward Basketball Ministry. I can't tell you how proud I am of all that is accomplished throughout this Upward program. Additionally, we are the last of the few churches in our area that host Upward for the high-school age group. The reason we continue this ministry is because there is a need!
To be clear ..."Upward Basketball is an evangelist sports ministry designed to promote community outreach, develop volunteer leadership, and share the love of Christ with children and their families, using something as simply as basketball."
So today's doxology...I'm watching Alabama play basketball in the SEC tournament, and I can't help but to question their aggressiveness (Remember, I wrestled in high school)! While I watch them as a fan (fanatic), I felt the urge to jump and scream then in a split second... I thought well it's not like this is Upward Basketball! Bamm! Shouldn't it all be a ministry?
During the season, I asked that we reevaluate the vision of Upward. Were we sticking to the strict conviction upon which Upward was established? In short, Upward, had become like the world that we saw on T.V. -aggressive, argumentative, and fanatical
Tonight, during an altercation of an Ole Miss Rebel and an Alabama Crimson Tide player, I had a separation of ministry from the world. In that moment, I felt that God intended that the things He taught us were: be in the world and not of the world. I taught our team and even led devotions that as much as we would like to confine them to Sunday, we can't. This evening, I had become as guilty as those that I had brought attention too... simply because I was in the safe and security of my home!
Here is the deal...Grace is grace, and it doesn't matter where it is, or if it is for your team...I apologize to the coaches, parents, and athletes for ever acting otherwise! Humbly...I share, a hardy Roll Tide!
Tonight, I received a message / billboard from God...I call it conviction! A feeling of remorse for an action for or against. In short, I felt guilty!
Our church host an incredible Upward Basketball Ministry. I can't tell you how proud I am of all that is accomplished throughout this Upward program. Additionally, we are the last of the few churches in our area that host Upward for the high-school age group. The reason we continue this ministry is because there is a need!
To be clear ..."Upward Basketball is an evangelist sports ministry designed to promote community outreach, develop volunteer leadership, and share the love of Christ with children and their families, using something as simply as basketball."
So today's doxology...I'm watching Alabama play basketball in the SEC tournament, and I can't help but to question their aggressiveness (Remember, I wrestled in high school)! While I watch them as a fan (fanatic), I felt the urge to jump and scream then in a split second... I thought well it's not like this is Upward Basketball! Bamm! Shouldn't it all be a ministry?
During the season, I asked that we reevaluate the vision of Upward. Were we sticking to the strict conviction upon which Upward was established? In short, Upward, had become like the world that we saw on T.V. -aggressive, argumentative, and fanatical
Tonight, during an altercation of an Ole Miss Rebel and an Alabama Crimson Tide player, I had a separation of ministry from the world. In that moment, I felt that God intended that the things He taught us were: be in the world and not of the world. I taught our team and even led devotions that as much as we would like to confine them to Sunday, we can't. This evening, I had become as guilty as those that I had brought attention too... simply because I was in the safe and security of my home!
Here is the deal...Grace is grace, and it doesn't matter where it is, or if it is for your team...I apologize to the coaches, parents, and athletes for ever acting otherwise! Humbly...I share, a hardy Roll Tide!
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
The Heart Whisperer

Do you know of that special someone that has a gift to warm your heart? Whenever they are around you just feel better? I have a little buddy at church that I call the Heart Whisperer. He is so considerate, polite, and thoughtful. During our fellowship time on Sundays he is so quick to visit some of the older ladies in our church and offer them a hug for their day...he is never refused because he is the Heart Whisperer!

Isn't that what we are called to do...share God's love? A love that is without strings! Be representatives of God's unconditional love? Having the same mind as Christ by taming the heart? I pray that people see in me such a pure child-like love for everyone I meet. I pray that when I walk in a room full of people they immediately feel better. When I talk to someone I want to make them believe they are the most important thing on earth at that moment. I want to become a Heart Whisperer!
Tonight's doxology may not seem like a big deal...maybe I'm just trying to get you to think about how you treat people. Do they consider you to be examples of God's generous love? For those that think this young man is not an incredible conduit of God's warming love...then you haven't met him...he is the Heart Whisperer!
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Keep Singing
Day 6 Doxology: Ok...from the start, this is going to be a doxology you are going to have to feel rather than simply read through if you're expecting some quick and easy inspiration!
Several years ago, I preached a message to some very loving peeps where I talked the midst of our grief (whether big or small) our hope is in the Lord. To illustrate my point I sang a song that I've sung alone in my truck a thousand times. With nervous hands and a quivering voice I sung and played on my guitar a song that I lean on when times were harder than they should be. Let me be clear, I haven't experienced pain like so many, but hurt is still is real and this song gives me peace. So, for the almost 4 hour drive home from Atlanta, I sang this song -Keep Singing, by Mercy Me!
I feel almost silly for mentioning it, but I had such a hard time with today's doxology. So much so that I noticed a really cool image of this morning's sunrise from Jennifer Gilliland immediately after I took one for myself. And yes, it was beautiful, but since I was up and gone before 5am it seemed premature to label that as my day's doxology. So I waited. Still great job Jen!
The reason for my reluctance to mention, even write about it, is because my sharing almost has the potential to be misconstrued as idolatry, but my intent is to bring awareness to our dependance on God through whatever our circumstance (whether big or small)! And worthy of our praise!
I was in Atlanta, because that is where my tax person is, and this year's tax season (2018) is more difficult that last (2017)...after getting by, saving a tad, Shannon and I will have to pay a great deal of unexpected taxes (for us). Listen, I have great friends that have way more tax burdens than we do, but it still stings! So for the almost 4 hour drive home it was hard to see a doxology moment of any magnitude! Until God reminded me that I've got to keep singing. I pray that you look at the lyrics that I've posted and find the video of Mercy Me singing the song, Keep Singing, then maybe that soulful song can make you praise God through whatever situation in which you find yourself. Even if you have difficultly seeing God, I pray you Keep Singing!
Several years ago, I preached a message to some very loving peeps where I talked the midst of our grief (whether big or small) our hope is in the Lord. To illustrate my point I sang a song that I've sung alone in my truck a thousand times. With nervous hands and a quivering voice I sung and played on my guitar a song that I lean on when times were harder than they should be. Let me be clear, I haven't experienced pain like so many, but hurt is still is real and this song gives me peace. So, for the almost 4 hour drive home from Atlanta, I sang this song -Keep Singing, by Mercy Me!

The reason for my reluctance to mention, even write about it, is because my sharing almost has the potential to be misconstrued as idolatry, but my intent is to bring awareness to our dependance on God through whatever our circumstance (whether big or small)! And worthy of our praise!

Monday, March 11, 2019
Would You Rather?
Day 5 Doxology: Have you ever played the game "Would You Rather?" It's an ice breaker game that I use to play at the beginning of a year-long confirmation class that I taught. It invokes asking difficult questions that would make people ponder what it is they didn't like or really didn't like. For example: Would you rather eat a can of cat food or three whole rotten tomatoes? Or, "Would you rather always smell rotten meat or always smell a skunk? Or, Would rather skip every where you went or run? You get it, right? Our class loved them!
Today I saw a picture that contradicted one asking Would you rather...? Most everyday I see this man walking from of my office window. It doesn't matter the could be raining (Like today), storming, freezing, snowing, or a 100 degrees with 100% humidity...this man is disciplined.
I watch him walk and he appears to struggle to keep up the pace that he maintains as he passes by...he may stumble, but he never falls! It reminds me of Psalm 37:24 -though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord will uphold him with his hand. What does this mean for the church and today's doxology?
This man encourages me. Eyes from the Church...Mine...look at him and see a man with great discipline. Someone that doesn't sit in his chair and play the Would I rather game -Would I rather walk to today or sit here because it is dry and comfortable?
Can eyes that gaze back at the Church say the same thing? I am encourage yet again, because I've been serving my present appointment for almost two years and I can praise God that we have many that will choose to answer the Would I rather question buy saying I would rather follow God. Are we where we need to be? No! Do we have a distance to walk still? Yes! Are we better today than we were yesterday? Yes, praise God! And there is my doxology!
Would you rather look ahead to the unknown or go back to what you know? Praise be God for the man that keeps on moving, regardless!

I watch him walk and he appears to struggle to keep up the pace that he maintains as he passes by...he may stumble, but he never falls! It reminds me of Psalm 37:24 -though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord will uphold him with his hand. What does this mean for the church and today's doxology?
This man encourages me. Eyes from the Church...Mine...look at him and see a man with great discipline. Someone that doesn't sit in his chair and play the Would I rather game -Would I rather walk to today or sit here because it is dry and comfortable?
Can eyes that gaze back at the Church say the same thing? I am encourage yet again, because I've been serving my present appointment for almost two years and I can praise God that we have many that will choose to answer the Would I rather question buy saying I would rather follow God. Are we where we need to be? No! Do we have a distance to walk still? Yes! Are we better today than we were yesterday? Yes, praise God! And there is my doxology!
Would you rather look ahead to the unknown or go back to what you know? Praise be God for the man that keeps on moving, regardless!
Friday, March 8, 2019
Winning The Lottery
Day 3 Doxology: Francis Chan wrote a book in 2008 with co-author Danae Yankoski called "Crazy Love" -A New York Times Best Seller! In it there is this creative emphasis placed on the depth of God's Crazy love. Heck, the book was so good it inspired artist Hawk Nelson to write the song Crazy Love. It has long since inspired my life in a number of ways.
I can remember when my wife read Chan's book and set out to accomplish the challenge of doing something spectacular and amazing for 30 days to show her love for me, her spouse. Shannon, a gifted task person, accepted and completed the challenge with honors. Waiting for her trophy, I hadn't yet read the book, and I was left in a state of awe not knowing what I had experienced nor what I had!
I feel it's that way with God. We don't truly understand what we have. Through the centuries, we men [unisex] have tried to define and understand God's love...I believe we never quite live up to God's original intent. Yet, we try!
Maybe trying is our greatest accomplishment? In our attempts, we come closer than ever to our desire, and maybe God's desire, for everyone to be happy. Which brings me back to Chan's book? When Shannon read Chan's book and set out to fulfill Chan's tasks, she was so deeply bought in to making our marriage whole -not that she isn't now! For the record...I'm the luckiest man alive! However, it's amazing what you can accomplish if you work at it!

Over the years, her simple little task have continued...even grown! I have notes in my closet that remind me of the things that she likes about me -it makes me want to do them more. She leaves notes in the drawer that holds my toothpaste that reminds me that we are one -it makes me want to be even closer! And, this morning without my asking she brewed me coffee and left a note to remind me why -it makes me want to travel to the ends of the earth to win her love every day! Shouldn't I want to do that for God as well?
It's God's crazy love shared between this man and that woman forever! It's like...winning the lottery!
I can remember when my wife read Chan's book and set out to accomplish the challenge of doing something spectacular and amazing for 30 days to show her love for me, her spouse. Shannon, a gifted task person, accepted and completed the challenge with honors. Waiting for her trophy, I hadn't yet read the book, and I was left in a state of awe not knowing what I had experienced nor what I had!
I feel it's that way with God. We don't truly understand what we have. Through the centuries, we men [unisex] have tried to define and understand God's love...I believe we never quite live up to God's original intent. Yet, we try!
Maybe trying is our greatest accomplishment? In our attempts, we come closer than ever to our desire, and maybe God's desire, for everyone to be happy. Which brings me back to Chan's book? When Shannon read Chan's book and set out to fulfill Chan's tasks, she was so deeply bought in to making our marriage whole -not that she isn't now! For the record...I'm the luckiest man alive! However, it's amazing what you can accomplish if you work at it!

Over the years, her simple little task have continued...even grown! I have notes in my closet that remind me of the things that she likes about me -it makes me want to do them more. She leaves notes in the drawer that holds my toothpaste that reminds me that we are one -it makes me want to be even closer! And, this morning without my asking she brewed me coffee and left a note to remind me why -it makes me want to travel to the ends of the earth to win her love every day! Shouldn't I want to do that for God as well?
It's God's crazy love shared between this man and that woman forever! It's like...winning the lottery!
Thursday, March 7, 2019
You Are Awesome Mrs. Awesome
Day 2 Doxology: I didn't have to look very long before my heart's desire was to praise God. Today's doxology came at 9:31am. Sure, other moments in my day stood out and begged me to offer praise, but few could compare to the way my heart was moved when a dear friend sent me a text and today's doxology.
Her words reminded me of some very important things about my life. I won't share them all, but I will speak to what it feels like when someone ministers to the depths of your deep that you know that it can only be Christ. I had to read the text several times, each time my eyes would water more and more. And, as with each reading, I felt genuine love. This person was Christ to me.
Certain moments just minister to me deep in my soul. There is not a sweeter time as a father than when I see and hear my daughters laugh uncontrollably...when their eyes are crying for joy because I've made them laugh. There is not a greater moment as a husband than when I see in my wife's eyes that she is proud of me, and tells me she loves me. I'm never more humbled than when someone reminds me that I was their pastor, and God used even me to further their discipleship.
I love being a minister and helping when and where I can, but sometimes you wonder if you are doing any good, if you are a conduit for lives to be touched and changed. Then in God's appointed time someone takes just a moment to say You Are Awesome!
So, let my doxology be your doxology and possibly someone else's doxology...take just a moment and contact someone you haven't heard from in a while and tell them they're awesome! Tell them they are loved by you and God and that they matter! In the spirit of Philippians 2:5 -in your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus!
Be Christ to them like Mrs. Awesome is to me!
Her words reminded me of some very important things about my life. I won't share them all, but I will speak to what it feels like when someone ministers to the depths of your deep that you know that it can only be Christ. I had to read the text several times, each time my eyes would water more and more. And, as with each reading, I felt genuine love. This person was Christ to me.
Certain moments just minister to me deep in my soul. There is not a sweeter time as a father than when I see and hear my daughters laugh uncontrollably...when their eyes are crying for joy because I've made them laugh. There is not a greater moment as a husband than when I see in my wife's eyes that she is proud of me, and tells me she loves me. I'm never more humbled than when someone reminds me that I was their pastor, and God used even me to further their discipleship.
I love being a minister and helping when and where I can, but sometimes you wonder if you are doing any good, if you are a conduit for lives to be touched and changed. Then in God's appointed time someone takes just a moment to say You Are Awesome!
So, let my doxology be your doxology and possibly someone else's doxology...take just a moment and contact someone you haven't heard from in a while and tell them they're awesome! Tell them they are loved by you and God and that they matter! In the spirit of Philippians 2:5 -in your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus!
Be Christ to them like Mrs. Awesome is to me!
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
The Same Just Different
Day 1 Doxology: I must say I have been anticipating this day for a while, it appears you have as well. I have received text and calls asking if I would continue my blog-writing tradition for my Lenten doxology discipline. Well, be careful what you ask for, here it is.
I usually start off slow, then I have sprouts of brilliance or cleverness (or I get lucky), then they'll be a dry spell when the writing gets harder, and thankfully as Easter approaches the vigor returns. So, for the next 40 days (not counting Sunday) we will go through our day and look for God together. Then we will share our praise God moment with the world (Yes, the world!). Apparently, there are some in Russia that really enjoy when my day and God collide.
Have you ever noticed that for something worth while to begin often something else must die; for growth to take place the struggle of the old ways must be corrected. Today's image was taken when last year's Palm branches were being turned to ashes for tonight's Ash Wednesday Service. Last year a week before Easter the children in our church were waving them and singing "Hosanna" and tonight mixed with oil the ashes of those year-old Palm branches were used to draw a cross on the foreheads of believers. Still functioning but in different ways.
In my own life, I am just a shell of the person I once was. I am still functioning, just differently. Lately, I am in awe of a God that flung the stars in the heavens but cared enough to number the hairs on my head. I am in awe of the complexity of the human body; the life of a Palm branch, and the regeneration of cells. I guess at the height of my awe-struck wonder is why God took the time to put that much hair on my back with all he has going on in the world. The older I get the more I understand some things can be the same just different!
Welcome to Lent!
I usually start off slow, then I have sprouts of brilliance or cleverness (or I get lucky), then they'll be a dry spell when the writing gets harder, and thankfully as Easter approaches the vigor returns. So, for the next 40 days (not counting Sunday) we will go through our day and look for God together. Then we will share our praise God moment with the world (Yes, the world!). Apparently, there are some in Russia that really enjoy when my day and God collide.

In my own life, I am just a shell of the person I once was. I am still functioning, just differently. Lately, I am in awe of a God that flung the stars in the heavens but cared enough to number the hairs on my head. I am in awe of the complexity of the human body; the life of a Palm branch, and the regeneration of cells. I guess at the height of my awe-struck wonder is why God took the time to put that much hair on my back with all he has going on in the world. The older I get the more I understand some things can be the same just different!
Welcome to Lent!
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