Can you see what is the difference between this before and after image?

The difference is the 1x 4 board that was installed to secure the handrail. Over the years the handrail has been used and, because the backing for the handrail was sheetrock, the "snug-ness" has become compromised! So, we needed to allow the handrail to be anchored "on solid ground." For your records, that was the original intent!
There is an old hymn:
My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:
All other ground is sinking sand.
For our young families; for our older families... to what are you anchored? What is the foundation to that which you believe? Is it Christ, or is it the world?
This simple doxology could be life-changing, or it could be easily deleted and forgotten. If you are not anchored into something solid how can you expect to endure the test of time? Build your faith on solid ground, strengthen that which you believe by completing your daily healthy essential habits. Grow in your discipleship!
Someday someone will need to lean on you for stability, what you are anchored to will make all the difference in the world...and beyond!
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