Day 6 Doxology: Ok...from the start, this is going to be a doxology you are going to have to feel rather than simply read through if you're expecting some quick and easy inspiration!
Several years ago, I preached a message to some very loving peeps where I talked the midst of our grief (whether big or small) our hope is in the Lord. To illustrate my point I sang a song that I've sung alone in my truck a thousand times. With nervous hands and a quivering voice I sung and played on my guitar a song that I lean on when times were harder than they should be. Let me be clear, I haven't experienced pain like so many, but hurt is still is real and this song gives me peace. So, for the almost 4 hour drive home from Atlanta, I sang this song -
Keep Singing, by Mercy Me!

I feel almost silly for mentioning it, but I had such a hard time with today's doxology. So much so that I noticed a really cool image of this morning's sunrise from Jennifer Gilliland immediately after I took one for myself. And yes, it was beautiful, but since I was up and gone before 5am it seemed premature to label that as my day's doxology. So I waited. Still great job Jen!
The reason for my reluctance to mention, even write about it, is because my sharing almost has the potential to be misconstrued as idolatry, but my intent is to bring awareness to our dependance on God through whatever our circumstance (whether big or small)! And worthy of our praise!

I was in Atlanta, because that is where my tax person is, and this year's tax season (2018) is more difficult that last (2017)...after getting by, saving a tad, Shannon and I will have to pay a great deal of unexpected taxes (for us). Listen, I have great friends that have way more tax burdens than we do, but it still stings! So for the almost 4 hour drive home it was hard to see a doxology moment of any magnitude! Until God reminded me that I've got to keep singing. I pray that you look at the lyrics that I've posted and find the video of Mercy Me singing the song,
Keep Singing, then maybe that soulful song can make you praise God through whatever situation in which you find yourself. Even if you have difficultly seeing God, I pray you
Keep Singing!
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