The Walk to Emmaus is a 3-day spiritual journey where people from all over come together to serve and be served. A person can only go on their Emmaus Walk one time which makes it all that more special. It is the intent of Emmaus to strengthen the local church by making stronger, more spiritual disciples for Jesus Christ! So once your weekend is over, you head back to your church and find a way you can serve. Which means you get to pay forward God's love for the next pilgrim on their Emmaus Walk.
Since you can only go on your Emmaus Walk one time, one of the ways to stay connect to your Emmaus experience is to join a Reunion Group. A Reunion Group is a group that meets weekly and holds one another accountable by asking/ answering two simple questions -What is my closest to Christ moment in the past week, and When have I failed to be Christ to my neighbor? Answering these two questions has a special way of centering a person.
Another way to stay connected to your Emmaus Experience and keep the Emmaus community vital and strong for others to experience their own "Walk" is to attend "Cluster Meetings" once a month. It's a time of welcoming new members to the community, worship, Holy Communion, and fellowship.
Whew! That's enough back ground info I think?
Today was a doxology day because my morning started with my new Reunion Group and concluded with our "Cluster Meeting" which just happened to be on the same day. This cluster is one of the healthiest cluster in the Alabama Emmaus Community...so you can imagine our worship experience and fellowship while including maybe 10 new additions to the Emmaus community! And, the icing on the cake was serving Holy Communion alongside my wife! God is Good, for sure!
I guess at the heart of my rambling is the reminder that if your day begins with Jesus, and ends with Jesus...now, that is something to celebrate! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
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