I watch him walk and he appears to struggle to keep up the pace that he maintains as he passes by...he may stumble, but he never falls! It reminds me of Psalm 37:24 -though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord will uphold him with his hand. What does this mean for the church and today's doxology?
This man encourages me. Eyes from the Church...Mine...look at him and see a man with great discipline. Someone that doesn't sit in his chair and play the Would I rather game -Would I rather walk to today or sit here because it is dry and comfortable?
Can eyes that gaze back at the Church say the same thing? I am encourage yet again, because I've been serving my present appointment for almost two years and I can praise God that we have many that will choose to answer the Would I rather question buy saying I would rather follow God. Are we where we need to be? No! Do we have a distance to walk still? Yes! Are we better today than we were yesterday? Yes, praise God! And there is my doxology!
Would you rather look ahead to the unknown or go back to what you know? Praise be God for the man that keeps on moving, regardless!
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