Day 5 Doxology: If you're keeping score you'll notice that Lent hadn't even started good before I missed 2 days in a row writing my blog...I have an excuse. I was at Camp Sumatanga until 10-11pm each night which left little time to write a blog, and I was participating on a Chrysalis which meant pictures are prohibited. So, I apologize.
With that said, we have a chance today to start over....sort of. I have a retro picture...this was taken Saturday and has remained on my mind since. This weekend while there was a break I slipped away for a quick picture of a camp icon. Near Hutto are two trees connected by what looks like a piece of conduit. To say that it has been there for a long time is an understatement. I like to think that Bert Goodwin wanted it there for a very purposeful reason while he built the buildings around it. Which makes me wonder what was the original purpose of forever linking these two trees together? Was this a place where countless children did their chin-ups, was it a support for a treehouse floor, or was it used to hang fish to be cleaned? It could've been anything or nothing at all. We're just not sure. Regardless of the intent, I never get tired of looking at this Camp Sumatanga wonder.

When I think about these trees, I think about their ability to adapt. It's almost like they stand there at attention to remind us that God's nature adapts better than God's human creation. They were influenced by some outside source and yet they overcame. So, as I begin this blog with an excuse why I couldn't complete my Lenten discipline, I am quickly reminded that my excuses are not going to cut it in life. All I can do is ask for forgiveness and cinch up my belt one more notch to do better tomorrow! In truth, I believe we humans do have a strength that we sometimes have a difficult time tapping into, but we sometimes need reminding.
When I see these trees I am dedicated to my craft to always
adapt and overcome!
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