Day 22 Doxology: I had several moments today in which I stopped and praise God. I could start a laundry list of excitable moments that I was walking in God's shadow and it never felt better. Of all the highlights of the day none moved me like the enormous and overwhelming support of my recent protest.

Yesterday, I was kicked off Facebook for in their words "Violations of Community Standards." One dear friend replied, far be it for me to
raise their standards. It's almost always true that misery loves company, but in their case it wasn't about the was about the community/ connection.
I've been writing my doxologies for every season in Lent for years without fully grasping the knowledge of what it meant to others. I purposely wrote these blogs to align myself with God more each and every day as I moved closer to Easter and it works. By the end of Lent I can more easily see moments to praise God. They appear in the face of a child, in the smell of the rain, and in the last light of the day. They are, as it turns out, all the reply on, yes...even Facebook.
I cannot thank everyone enough for your love of community/connection.
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