I have several reason for not getting around to posting yesterday, none of which are worthy of missing our time together. Time together, hum...maybe that will be the op-ed of today's thought. How much time are we spending together in the wake of our current situation? Furthermore, is our time together spent in the same way we act when we are snowed in? A time when we eat bread and milk in as many forms possible (because we bought out the stores), or we play with family members for hours exhausting our reservoir of card games. It's like we treat it as a huge sleep-over with one thing in common...we are glad when it's over.

The amazing thing is I'm still staying safe. Because there were none of the usual dust mask available, I had to get the mac-daddy of all mask. I included it for your viewing pleasure. So, even though we are quarantine, and Shannon and I couldn't go sailing, we get an opportunity to check things off the list and doing so in a healthy way. Maybe this is good time to mention Proverbs 14:23, All hard works brings a profit, but mere talk leads to only to poverty.
Regardless of your stance of using this time to get things done, it is at least a time to distract from the over-focus on the state of the world. I mean, I pray continuously that God will heal this world, but work does not distract from huge blessings. I will continue to do that, but I have to stay busy. Besides it's cool to spend most your afternoon sounding like Darth Vader..."LUKE, I am your father!"
Whether, your time is spent with family in play, with one another working...one thing is for certain. there is but only one Father, and He does not follow Social Distancing!
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