Today's doxology is a "praise God" moment that I've experienced many times in my long friendship with this person. In fact, years ago I used to keep a list of the acts of kindness from this person; thinking that I would repay in some way, but over the years the list grew so long that it became overwhelming. So, I stopped, realizing there was nothing I could do to justify his kindness toward me and my family. I will fight the temptation to start listing his random acts of generosity for fear of embarrassment to us both. Needless to say...this person has one of the best hearts a person could ever witness. Ok, enough blubber!
Today's doxology is yet another example of his huge heart. At a time when people are being laid off or asked to cut hours because of the current crisis, the owner of OEC's passion for those that have felt and continue to feel the pinch of everyone being forced to stay home. He decided that he would purchase lunch locally for his office from a different restaurant each day of the week to help where he could. That's what he does!
So, without embarrassment, losing my man card, or even worse retaliation from his mom or his wife...today's doxology highlights a person that is Christ to me in so many ways over so many years! Now, I just have to share him with others. I am so dead!
Now, how will you be Christ to others...Jesus Himself said, "Now, go and do likewise."
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