Friday, March 4, 2016

A Magical Place

Day 21 Doxology:  What is the antidote to a less than spiritual day?  Answer:  My morning!

Once a quarter, or a bit more, I volunteer at a local dentist missions.  Each Friday, a local church opens their doors to individuals from our community that need dental work.  Their dental needs usually consist of nothing more than pulling teeth.

They come to the clinic and register hoping that this Friday would be the Friday that they receive help...sometime it is, and sometimes it is not?  This clinic is limited as to the number of people it can accomedate. Since this clinic is a ministry/mission of this church they make sure a clergy person is on site to meet and pray with each person - English speaking or not!

Today's antidote to yesterday's lull came from a series of prayers, one prayer in particular.  I asked each person their prayer needs, and this one mom didn't offer anything.  Usually I don't pry, but today I did, and what I discovered was a very tough, rigid shell of a mom.  She shared that she had three children and they were in different places staying with three different relatives.  After further prying, she finally shared that she was working to get them back.  I offered the only thing I could...

I told her that they couldn't wait to be in her arms again and that if she was my daughter that I would say, I am so very proud of her, and that I love you regardless of what happened in the past.

I'd love to say that she broke down and begged Christ for forgiveness, but part of me thinks that she has done that to an even greater extent than I ever have.  I could see her stiffen to help her remain strong.  My doxology today is simple...I was reminded that I really don't understand what people are going through as much as I'd like to think, and my problems are so small compared to the world.

Since it wouldn't be appropriate to take a picture of the mom, or any of the prayer partners from today, I thought I would take a picture of the door to the clinic where I served.  I've watched people walk in holding their mouth (covering their mouth)  thinking they will never smile again.  However, when they leave they are already smiling with gauze poking out from their mouth.  It is a magical place, just like the time spent praying with everyone that passed through these doors.

I hate that I took a day off from praising God...but that's what happens when you take your eyes off Christ!

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