I say that jokingly, of course. However, after I thought about it, there was a lot of Christ from a lot of people that helps throughout the year so that God can continue to show up in powerful ways! I won't dare begin to list the names, but from Amy to the person that commits to showing up on Sundays this post is for you! Today's doxology is not an image of my doxology but rather of symbol of "not my image"! While you're scratching your head, I'll explain.
I have grown accustom to everything Amy does for me while she holds down a house, family, and more than a full-time (paying) gig. Well, she has the flu! To the best of my recollection, moms don't have time for the flu, but she does and asked if I could do the bulletins for church. I did them, but it reminded me the value of Amy and it made me think about everyone else that plays a role in being Christ to, not only me, but to everyone else at The Summit and Julia Street.
So, for my final doxology of Lent 2016 my doxology picture is you represented by a single finalized bulletin for Easter, and a reminder that when we serve each other we are reminded that Christ has risen!
Feel better Amy, we need you!
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