Day 26 Doxology: Have you ever sat in silence and listened? Today I did, and it was Gooooood!
Because of technology, today we are so connected. We have talk radio, pod cast, cell phones, tablets, computers, internet, cable, satellite, and hot spots. Seldom is there a time when we are not connected...except, when we are connected, hmmm?
I guess to answer the questions we first have to determine to what are we connected, or to whom are we connected, or not? I spend the majority of my day handling "God stuff" and there are days when I feel like I haven't even spoken to God as a result. I talk to everyone else, but not God. Why? When I am so connected to this world, I am less likely to be connected to God, and vise versa.
This evening I allowed myself 15 mins of Holy Silent Worship! I sat. I was quiet, and I let my eyes focus on the darkened room. Because I was still; I became aware...I noticed something amazing. The way the light changed my mood. I think for the first time I saw the stained glass in my church like those that have worshiped before me saw it. The colors danced to life as I could hear a "soft whisper"usher in the presence of God. At that moment I felt like Elijah.
In 1 Kings 19, The LORD speaks to Elijah at Horeb. Like me, Elijah was waiting for a one-on-one with The LORD when something else happened. Like life today, Elijah witnessed the mountain falling down around him. Like so many of us, Elijah caught himself looking for the LORD in the mighty rushing wind, "but the LORD was not in the wind." Then Elijah looked for the LORD in the post earthquake fire, "but the LORD was not in the fire." After the fire came the sound of "a gentle whisper" (the KJV says, a still small voice).
We cry out to God, and shake our fist then wonder, while we are kicking and screaming, why we cannot hear God. Maybe we need to just sit and mandate for ourselves a grown-up "time-out!" Maybe then our day will be better than gooood, it'll be Grrrrrrrrrrreat!
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