Day 29 Doxology: Wow! I have so many words and even I'll admit that I am having a hard time putting them into shape or formation to communicate what I feel is today's doxology.
Have you ever stopped and watched your family from the outside looking in? I often fell like I spend a lot of time saying, "This is what I mean...!" So, with that out in the open, this is what I mean...I love cool evenings with a clear sky; a full belly; no where to be; and plenty of time to watch. I love looking at the back of our home as an outsider. If one were to sit and view the Jones from the front of the house it would appear that there was no life at all. However, from the back...our home comes alive.

Today, I cooked blackened chicken,
from the back...I left our garage in our golf-cart "
from the back" to wish a neighbor happy birthday...I sat with my wife and talked about our future, and past,
in the back...I saw my daughter, even if it was for a second,
from the back...I welcomed and cooked hot wings and french fries for Jamie's beau
from the back; and now I sit in quiet and watch them all
from the back while writing to you. I love living life in the back yard of our home, on the concrete in the space between our garage and "out-back"'s where life is more intimate and real!

Because of our lifestyle, tonight I share with you outside looking in. It's my favorite! I watch family life; I hear them laugh and argue; I watch their faces light up from the reflection of the TV; I can notice them travel from room to room... I see them at life. And, it brings me joy!
I wished I could take the time to pause and relate my joy with scripture to be a voice of God, but sometimes God's world is found in the spaces of our lives more than least, I feel God in the spaces of my life, and that is worth sharing!
Enjoy the spaces and sound of your family...they are "praise to God" moments of your day!
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