Today, I was given the gift to observe life in a triad, of sorts -God the Father; Shannon the wife; and spring of new beginnings.
My wife surprised me today with a "personal day". She took personal time to do internal housework that, to the naked eye, seems external. She uncharacretistically took the day off from her job in education for herself-something she never does!
I had multiple meetings that made me jealous of her time today. Each time, I would check in with her to witness and cringe jealous of her freedom. The image I found when I finally got home, spoke to me on as many levels as this shared tri-doxology.
As she poured into herself she did what mothers jobs around the house. She first laid in the sun, but it didn't seem productive enough. She then cleaned the winter away from our back porch displayed in my last doxology which consisted of Windex and pressure washing. It must have been at this point she moved beyond the porch to the concrete and tonight's picture.
This, surprisingly, made me pause and think...
First, a mom's work is never done, and you moms display so many gifts! If you are a God be the glory for everything you do that seems to go unnoticed-it really doesn't!
Secondly, spring is great! It's a chance to start over. It's a chance to wash away the crud left over from winter. It's often more difficult than a pressure-washing a section of conrete but it is as revealing.
The cool thing is that as it becomes dark, the freshly pressure washed concrete glows in the dusk that ushers in the night. The cleansed concrete, like our own lives, becomes a stand out from the rest of the concrete. Both the concrete, and ourselves, become this beacon of light pointing to the REAL light for the world.
You can assume many characters in today's could be the teacher-needing time for yourself for health and rejuvenation. You could be the springtime - ushering in a new season regardless of who is ready. You might find yourself as the concrete-a standout from the rest of what life has to offer.
Just to close...we are all in constant change. Our uniform goal should be to bring about "heaven on earth, as it is in heaven." Is that or goal? Or, do we constantly strive to live life self-serving? Our answer would be our own doxology!
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