My dilemma consistently carried me back to the prophets of Israel proclaiming God's warning to friend and foe. Reminding them that because they had turned from God they would be cast into exile...in other words, here comes the Babylonians! The proclamation was for a Holy leader with a heart for God and God's people. Shouldn't that be our proclamation as well?
To complicate my story more...I am pastor. In many ways I should set the precedent for the people that God has trusted me with (Sorry for the preposition at the end of my sentence). So, my thoughts excelled to...should I have taught more; should I emphasize this message this time of year more; does my flock believe casting votes for a person of faith is important? America is incredible, and certain candidates would seem good for America, but is...America our primary focus or God? Before you doubt my patriotism...I love America, and hopefully my wife and I have instilled that ideology in my children and indirectly their children!
My doxology...After I spent all night and most of the morning fretting over God's will for you, me, and America...Shannon read aloud Diane's Day 18 Doxology in our Church's Lenten Devotional, and immediately my heart was at ease.
She reminded us that worry is prevalent but not necessary. She cited Matthew 6:25-34 where Jesus said, "Don't worry...tomorrow will worry about itself." The timing of the her doxology was not planned, it was not an accident, it was not a coincidence, it was today's doxology so that I would pause then praise God to remind us all that God's got this...whatever "this" is!
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