Saturday, March 16, 2013

In the Past

Day 27 Doxology:  Yes, Day 27.  if you're counting I've skipped Day 26-not by design.  I could've posted Day 26.  I woke up early, spent an hour, or so, on a conference call, read, journaled, read, went to the hot tub, read, did something for my daughter, hot tub, read, watched Alabama beat Tenn, hot tub, spent time with family, ate late, and went to bed on a full stomach vowing to lose weight.  I awoke this morning replaying yesterday in my head finding many holes in my day that I could have praised God...but, I didn't.  So, today's "doxology" is a reminder that God is not a God of the past but in the now.  Let the dead bury the dead, I'm done with worrying about what I could have done and past failures, and Today I'm making the most of what God has given me today. Matthew 6:26

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