Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Day 1 Doxology:  Wow!  It's been a whole year since I last participated in my annual Lenten Devotional discipline, and I've missed it!  I pray you have been looking forward to my returning doxology moments each day of Lent (excluding Sundays).

If you're new to my Lenten Blog then allow me a moment to give a brief explanation...during Lent, I take a moment of my day that I want to give praise to God (A Doxology Moment), take a picture or video of that moment and tell you why it is a moment of praise.  Part of me loves to hear each day the feedback I get "never thought of it like that," or "I loved that reflection!"  Mostly, I love that it conditions my soul to see God in places that I normally overlook.  It is like a River that transports me from one place to another, and through it all, I am cleansed of the world.  In a way it is a narrative of my Lenten journey of transformation.

Today, I begin our Lenten journey with a video.  I hope the links works, but if it doesn't work for you the url address will be at the end of this post.

I am moved by music!  I have an eclectic taste of all kinds of music regardless of the genre.  I am, however, extremely drawn to anything soulful and passionate, sincere and raw!  I think those songs that move us down a spiritual river are a Means of Grace for our life.  Today, I stumbled across such a song -"River" by Leon Bridges.

This video is one that merges the Spirit of the song with raw untamed and brilliance of nature.  The words are powerful but simple...a lot like the imagery.  I hope you enjoy the song, and I pray that your reflection of this doxology moment will be enough to start your Lenten journey with me today!

This is the video link if you are unable to view in this post:

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