Friday, March 17, 2017

The NEW Greatest Generation

Day 15 Doxology: There must be a "family theme" for my Praise to God moments for this week.  I had the blessing and honor to officiate a wedding this evening for a very special couple.  I won't share their name, because I didn't ask their permission. Needless to say, I think the world of them both.

Officiating a wedding is one of the blessings for a minister.  We are often called to the bedside after a loss, or to the emergency room after a tragedy, but a wedding is one of those instances that breathes life.  I can't tell you the number of weddings that I have officiated -Shannon has them all listed in a book somewhere.  However, they all hold a very special place in my heart. Maybe we will start calling that book...the book of life?

It qualifies as the book of life because I believe weddings are life-giving.  For me it was a testimony to a promise that Shannon would love me to the end...I've taken advantage of that pledge.  Each wedding, although different, was similar - two people entering into a marriage covenant with God.  The typical wedding goes like this: The couple voices their intentions, symbols of that covenant are shared, promises are made, then blessing from God is received, and an announcement ensues.  It really is simple!  What appears difficult nowadays is keeping that covenant.

I think back to my grandparents, and they said they never had time to argue...they said,  they were trying too hard to survive.  If you think about it..they went through The Depression, 2 World Wars, The Korean War, Vietnam, a house fire, three kids, 2 open-heart surgeries, and Alzheimer's.  They were a blessing of hope for all generations that want to talk about a marriage covenant.

One day my daughters will want to discuss the covenant of marriage.  It kinda freaks me out a bit!  However, I think I will tell them the simple rules that have worked for their mom and dad...
1. Develop your priorities: A. God  B. Spouse C. Children (If these are in the right order, everything else works itself out!)
2. Never let the sun set on an argument!
3. Always have Adult alone-time: For Shannon and I it was the hot tub where we could have adult conversation.
4. Give part of your earnings away.
5. Never Keep Score!
6. Leave your mother and father and cling to your spouse.
7. Try, with all your might, to out-love each'll both be winner!
8. Over communicate!
9. Put down your technology when your spouse walks into the room.
10. Best to have one checking account!

Simple rules that can easily get away from us...if we let them.  It is worth our best effort.  I can't think where I would be without the marriage covenant and a wife that believes strongly in its relevance. What if the husbands and wives took back the families?  So, today's doxology is the potential that all new married couples offer the this one.  I think we could be the NEW greatest generation.

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