Thursday, February 18, 2016


Day 9 Doxology: Admittedly, I have a conglomerate of doxologies for today.  Which, should I add, mimics our life?  Often, the problem is too simple or too ingrained to recognize,  Here is the deal....

Today, I witnessed God working through the smallest of details.  Honestly, I think we often believe  that God doesn't care about the details.

It's unbelievable how God works.  Last night Mrs. D wanted to get an application for Emmaus for her husband-Mr. J.  Unknowingly, her husband had already applied.  His letter of invitation came today...Coincidence, I think not!

By the end of the day I witnessed the power of "community".  Although I was unable to serve tonight at our monthly BIAB, my church could.  Church planters often share that "if the pastor is doing everything then the church isn't doing enough"...after tonight I think we are on our way to fullness! Tonight, knowing I couldn't attend, I sent out a "shot across the bow" to recruit volunteers to serve.  They turned out in drove!  (Groves if you a cliche' murderer!)

Thank you everyone that felt God's calling on your life to act!  Action is our calling!  I serve the greatest group of people ever!

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