Monday, February 29, 2016

God's Embrace

Day 17 Doxology:  Today has been a series of "praise God" moments. You probably wonder what "doxology" means if you've read more than one of my post?  Each entry begins with "Day [?] Doxology"...meaning a formal liturgical praise to God.  "Liturgical" means relating to liturgy or public worship...So, my doxologies are when I can take a moment of my day and pause to say I hear you God.  It's a moment when everything in me points in reverent praise to witness to my faith in God's control and Jesus' as LORD of my life.  So without further ado...

J-1 came home today to vote and return to class tomorrow.  With her return it made me pause and think about the joy it is for a father when his daughter falls into his arms.  In thinking of that embrace I am reminded that if she returns then there are times, admittedly, when she is not within my reach...within my grasp.

How many times have I not allowed God, the Father, to not wrap his arms around me.  But...when I do how He must feel?  I listened to a young lady this weekend share her testimony in our church.  She shared with great emotion her separation then return to God, and how she didn't know the future, but because of her embrace...the future looks better.  It makes me ask the question how can we get more people to feel that embrace?

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