Saturday, February 20, 2016

Throwback -A Time of Revival

Day 11 Doxology: I apologize for the doxology delay…but I’ve been in a meeting all day and as everyone knows…it’s hard to praise God in lengthy meetings, but God is worthy of our praise!

Tonight’s doxology is kind of a throwback!  It’s a time of remembering and reviving.

The great southerner, and can I add Methodist, Harper Lee died this week.  The joy of sharing “To Kill A Mockingbird” with my daughters made me feel like I was parenting "well"!  Remembering was a time of throwback!

In the book “Go Set A Watchman” it describes a time of Scout’s youth and a time of revival!  In a way…revival is a time of “throwback” for any son or daughter of the south.

When I got home from my marathon Emmaus meeting…J-3 and I were at home alone because my wife is staying with her mom to help care for her declining dad.  J-3 and I were talking with the movie “Horrible Boss 2” hurling profanity in the background when I professed this is uncomfortable for us both…then I asked, “can we watch something else?”  She changed channels and boom, the “Kung Fu Panda” was there on the TV in our living room! 

Now, the cinematography, “King Fu Panda”, is not new to us….when J-3 was little we would watch it again and again and cackle out loud at the animation.  I absolutely loved the fat panda making it big and my daughter loved that I loved it with her!  Tonight was a throwback of sorts!  It was a great time of sharing laughter with my teenage daughter!

Tonight was a real doxology…A time of revival on many levels.  How can we get back to that which gives us life?  It starts with a doxology moment in the midst of life…it starts by “praising God” with our wife, husbands, moms, dads, sons, daughters, and friends!  It starts by praising God-it’s a time of revival!

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