Saturday, March 28, 2020

Christ Shops Here

Day 28 Doxology: Have you noticed a change in people since our world has come to a screeching halt?  Like after 9/11, the world's attitude toward one another seems on the mend.  Look, I realize we are not there yet, but we've been offered a mulligan, and why not use it.  Let me tell you about my Friday.

I started off my morning with left-over sausage balls -Which I love!  Then J-2, Shannon, and myself headed to Pulaski to work on J-2's bathroom remodel project.  After finishing up their new floor system and putting down the subfloor we called it quits and headed home.  On the way home we talked about getting some groceries so I checked in my console for my wallet...Oh no! WHERE"S MY WALLET!

I didn't stress and was certain it was home.  Once home, I tore up the house looking for the wallet with no luck.  It's funny how certain you are at first your previous day's routine, but only to start questioning everything before your search turns up null and void.  Regardless of where my wallet was, neither it nor I slept last night.

This morning I remembered that Thursday evening I had gotten gas while I was out, and thought what the heck...I called the number.  To my surprise, my great-joy, to my :"rip off my shirt and run down the street kind of excitement" the man said I had dropped it and "it's all here."  "It's all here"...Hmm!

If you've ever lost your wallet, or your purse, you realize how amazing it must have been to hear, "It's all here."  Today, when everything is sideways...when everyone is broken and refuses to get help...the gospel that we as Christian have the privilege to share is both the "Here" and now, but also to come.  Thank the LORD for the amazing person that felt the pain of humanity during this time and offered up a very good deed!  May God richly Bless your home in abundance!

Christ shops here!

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