Monday, March 16, 2020

Gotta Keep Singing

Day 17 Doxology:  If you've done the right thing today and stayed home per recommendation of...well everybody, then you've become a sponge for all of the news relating to the Coronavirus.  You've probably heard so much about the threat that has invaded our every-day routine that you were hoping for some relief or distraction by reading this blog...well, let me the first to apologize.

It seems that everywhere we turn it is COVID-19.  I caught myself feeling down and out, wondering where is the good news. I honestly had given up on the thought of sharing a doxology for today, then God gifted me, "Love lifted me.  When nothing else could help, Love lifted me!"  That was supposed to have been sung even if you really don't feel like singing.

While I was force-feeding myself good cheer, I remembered a song from years ago by MercyMe.  I can remember listening to this song over and over at certain times in my life.  It always made me feel better.  So out of love, I share it with you today and offer it as today's doxology.

While everything around you may be shutting down and it feels like you are being shut off from what I do.  Change the channel, read a book, phone a friend, and praise God so that when we come together our hearts will be ready for what God has planned for us, and remember what ever you do you've "gotta to keep singing"  

"Jesus sing over me!"

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