Monday, April 14, 2014

A Clean Path

Day 35 Doxology:  We are nearing the end of my 40 days of "Praise to God" moments, and I am getting more excited than ever in the way I am experiencing God.  There is never a more important time to witness God's handiwork than "now".  A take from the Methodist version of "The Kingdom of God is both the here and the now."  Music to my ears if I must say?

Today's doxology moment snuck up on me as quiet as a church mouse.  I was searching for the moment to share how God was visible at The Summit…almost forcing God's hand to be revealed.  When there it was, without a signature from the culprit.

For the past year, on and off, I've been shoveling pea-gravel from our daycare's playground off the sidewalk for a couple of reasons: 1) limit liability, and 2) to make a positive 1st impression.  Today I received a surprise.

I had an early Bible study on the book of Romans at the district office and drove to the church around lunch.  When I got out of my car, I saw our sidewalk like a first-time-visitor would see it…a clean path.  I had an uncontrollable smile.

I am constantly asked to lead others.  Often, I am asked to critique leadership styles.  I have a dear friend that I have often reminded, she exhibits a passive-aggressive type personalty and believes that others should know her thoughts while in return want to honor her wishes.  The truth is…they love her, but do not know her wishes.  For my friend, it is assumed that no one cares that she has done everything under the sun with absolutely NO help.

I have another great friend that say, "it takes one to know one."  Meaning...if someone suffers from a lack of confidence (substitute any personality problem) then they can recognize others with the same problem immediately.  I might have recognized my friends problem of passive-aggressiveness, because I have the same problem ( a lot of problems and a lot of friends-praise God)?

Here's the deal (You've been waiting on this haven't you?), someone recognized a need and started shoveling the need.   That (this) sidewalk was as clean as a whistle, and inviting to anyone that would want to visit our amazing worshipful service.

I praise God for the angel (unisex) that saw a need and acted on the need.  They are Christ to me…I love my church.

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