Saturday, March 12, 2016

Better To Give Than Receive

Day 28 Doxology: It's better to give than receive.  We've heard that statement all of our life, but it wasn't until tonight that I felt its fullness.

My daughter, J-2, is halfway through her 2nd semester at a college in Alabama...really, she is well on her way to nursing school proving that grades won't be an issue.  In addition to grades, as parents we've witnessed a better than hopeful advance in maturity on her part.

We have an older daughter in college and this one is our 2nd, soon there will be a, it is important for us to know that she is taking her education seriously.  Therefore, after her trial period of computer labs to complete her homework, and waiting on me to get home, even visits at her mom's classroom, she proved to us that her complaint-less period was enough to earn her the right...for a helpful leg up.

So, I did what all parents do...I (we) went into debt.  I bought her a Mac Air.  It was worth the smiles, and hugs, to tell her that she had been so great to act like she didn't deserve such a gift even if we thought she did.  She really did.

The images that I am sharing are her going through the steps to set up her Mac Air.  The images that I share might show her, but really they are images of her parents glowing in pride that she gets the gift.  She understood what it took for us to get it and to give it.  The image is of her joy, but really it is a picture of OUR joy, because to give brings more joy than to receive.

It made me think about the love of a father.  The love I have watching her joy is unprecedented.  It's without words.  It means everything to me.  At the heart of my faith is the love of the Father for a world that, at times, doesn't recognized a Father's love.  Yet, the Father is insistent, to the point that His plan is eternal.  I'll admit that it doesn't make sense unless you've witnessed, or experience, the unconditional joy on the face of your loved ones-unless you've shared unconditional love! 

God knew, as I am learning, it is better to give than receive!

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